View Full Version : Having a bad day

04-09-12, 13:57
I'm not having a good anxiety day :( My in-laws have just arrived & I'm really anxious about their visit because of it being so embarrassing if I panic while they're here. My migraine is still hanging on, which isn't helping (and I can't take any painkillers as I'm too anxious to eat & can't take them on an empty stomach).

I''m trying to use my CBT techniques - relax my stomach, be aware of my surroundings, let it pass, don't fight it etc - but it keeps coming in waves & with every wave I feel more desperate that it's not working. I wish I could just sleep all day so the migraine would go away & i'd be oblivious to the anxiety :(

04-09-12, 14:00
Thinking about you Elle-Kay and sending you :hugs: It is so difficult when you have visitors who don't understand. Try to eat a small amount and take a couple of paracetamols.