View Full Version : My experiences with anxiety/panic attacks

04-09-12, 14:08
Hi everyone, I am new to this forum and thought I'd post a message talking about some experiences I've had and what I can do to free myself from anxiety/panic attacks.

For me my first full on panic attack was approximately a year ago. It was during a breakup from my 6 year girlfriend and I was abroad at a music festival. Basically I hadn't had much sleep, was worrying about everything back home. I first noticed my heart was racing, almost constantly. It all came to a climax when I was trying to get some sleep and felt a big thud near my chest/heart area. So I got a bit of a fright and my friends got a medic to come and check me over. My heart was absolutely pounding and they were quite concerned so sent for an ambulance. I was checked over in hospital and was told I was fine. It was difficult because I was in Serbia so the language barrier was a problem. After leaving hospital and for the rest of the trip I had some more panic attacks and some really awful experiences. Think I was borderline psychotic at times due to the complete lack of sleep.

After I got home it took me weeks to get over my experience and to get back to work etc. So I would say from last October until July this year I have felt fine and haven't experienced anything like when I was away, no panic attacks or chest tightness.

However, after quite a busy weekend in July this year - I had been out with friends on the Saturday, didn't get much sleep and then was with another friend on the Sunday, again without much sleep and alcohol. When I went into work on Monday I felt okay at first but then ended up having a panic attack. My heart went back to the racing way it was before (this time it wasn't as bad because I knew it was a panic attack and nothing more serious). So after the initial scare and eventually calming down I was sent home to recover. I felt okay the next day but a strange chest tightness feeling remained. It is this chest tightness I dislike the most. It isn't sore but just very uncomfortable and I am always aware of it.

I had one more panic about 2 weeks later, had been out on the Friday night and then was going out again on the Saturday. My friend and I went to the pub and just as we got in, I was at the bar then all of a sudden my heart started racing again and a panic attack ensued. Again this wasn't as bad as the first couple times but being left with the tight chest was annoying.

I have noticed that quite often now if I go out at the weekend, the day after I might not have a panic attack but the tight chest feeling is always present. I'd like to know exactly what is causing this chest tightness. And sometimes I have a weird twinge feeling in my chest. It startles me at first and feel like I need to stand up and end up clutching my chest. I never used to have any symptoms like this going on nights out, before my first panic attack experience and even afterwards.

So I don't understand why all of a sudden I seem to be always getting it. Is there anything I can do?

After my trip when I had my first panic attack I did get some counselling via my GP and it helped a little, I had been prescribed diazepam but I hated the feeling those gave me when I took one to stay calm. I don't want to have to be on any medication but really would like to get to the bottom of it. I guess the obvious thing would be that the anxiety attacks/symptoms only ever appear if I've been drinking, but why has it started now? I have been drinking since university days and never had any problems. Of course I know I should be drinking in moderation but sometimes you have too many by accident.

Does anyone else have similar experiences?

04-09-12, 15:54
Hiya mate.Welcome to the forum.New member myself.

Sorry to hear about your breakup, and troubles since then.

I suffer from Panic Attacks much like yourself, mostly triggered in Social Situations.Not sure about yourself as we're all different.

Anyway, I've been seeing an Occupational Therapist who has recommended doing some sort of martial art like Tai-Chi.Something that will slow your body and mind.Even something like Yoga might help.

04-09-12, 16:16
And do you get the tight chest feeling?

I don't really know what triggered my most recent panic attacks. I wasn't aware of anything that caused me to panic at the time, it appears to just happen. But always if I'm tired/hungover.

04-09-12, 16:53
Yeah, I get the tight chest feeling.A lot of people say they get the feeling they're going to die when it happens, but I don't really get that.It's awful at the time but it won't kill you.

I think most people get that horrible feeling next day after having some alcohol.It's much worse for anxiety sufferers right enough.

I would go back to your Doctor if you aren't still seeing him.Maybe he could put you in touch with some kind of therapy, rather than taking medication.