View Full Version : Feeling so ill.

04-09-12, 14:17
Hello I apologise if this is a long boring post, but bare with me.
Ok so I have had panic attacks since I was sixteen Im now 27 they come and go not completely but there have been times when I feel ok and some when I feel awful all day. Recently I have been having lots of panic attacks and feel anxious most of the time.
I have been able to manage them in the past but now they have stopped me doing essential things like working and sleeping.
I cant remember the last day I had now where I didnt feel ill, anxious and panicky. So anyway last night I felt ok bit anxious but I went to bed and felt not bad, all of a sudden I felt like my body was frozen/stiff and I was going to be unable to move, that of course in turn made me have all sorts of symptoms such as extreme dizziness, hot flushes, trembling and shaking. I ran in to my mums room and she tried to calm me down, It didnt take long before I felt ok, but not right. I went back to bed and everytime I nearly dropped off my body would jump, I felt like I had stopped breathing and my hands felt like they were paralysed.
Now today I feel terrible, arms heavy, trembling I feel sick achey and just rubbish.
Is this normal, I know I have had panic attacks for a long time but these feel different to what I have ever had before they seem more extreme and even though the actual panic attack lasts a shorter time the after effects last much much longer and I didnt have that before. When the attack was over that was it, done. I feel like theres no hope and I will feel like this forever and they will never go away. I want to be the person I was before these but I feel like I never will.
Does anyone else have these feelings or can you offer any advice I would really appriciate it.
Thank you, apologies again for it being sooooo long.
Hannah xx