View Full Version : Hello - Depression after Hysterectomy

04-09-12, 16:36
Hi there

I am 42 years old and after a total hysterectomy in March 2012 I have been battling depression and anxiety though did not know this was the issue until I had a "breakdown" 3 weeks ago and the crisis team were called in to help me get fixed. I know I had issued building up before the op that lead to the meltdown but the op did tip me over.

I have been on 50mg Sertraline for 3 weeks which gave me many of the side effects the first 10 days, then I brightened up for a few days now feel that I am back to day 1 last three days :( I am back to Drs on Friday as I have been advised to increase to 100mg.

I am getting my assessment for CBT this week after waiting for over 3 months for the referral.

Has anyone else suffered depression after a hysterectomy and how did you cope?

Good luck to all on your roads to recovery and thank you to those already posted with your updates, inspiration and honest feeling.

MM x

04-09-12, 16:47
Hi merlotsmum

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

04-09-12, 19:22
Hi MM I had a hysterectomy in 2007 and I kept my ovaries so not sure if I've reached the menopause yet. If you like you can PM me. I have suffered from depression for a very long time and currently stable. I am on lithium 1,000mg and mirtazapine 45mg at night. Having a hysterectomy is major surgery whatever way it is done. My consultant told me to expect the healing both mental and physical to take at least a year. For some people it takes a lot longer. You are still in the recovery period and need to be kind to yourself. There are practical issues to overcome too and it will take some time for your body to feel 'normal' again. I hope this helps. EJ./

05-09-12, 09:05
Thanks ladies for your welcome, much apprciated.

EJ, it is a heck of a journey, I thought I was prepared but seems not :( Needless to say I am doing my best to build back to something resembling old me :) It is tricky to work out what the hormomes are doing - I have been tested and the GP said they are all ticking OK (I kept ovaries).

I have started Bowen Therapy to help my body re-balance and after the first session last week feeling brighter today. I have my 2nd session later this morning - fingers crossed.

Best wishes
MM x