View Full Version : Help! Help!

28-07-06, 23:09
One day I came home and my girlfriend was having a panic attack, she was passed out on my bed so I immediately thought to give her mouth to mouth.
She would wake up and say she was dizzy, and she was happy but give or take 30 seconds that false sense of secuirty would die out and she would start hyperventalting and chest pains again.

The time im concerned about was recent, She fell asleep and her breathing was barely enough to see her chest move it was a very very short breaths she would have suffocated in my opnion. So I gave her mouth to mouth which worked well, she woke up and the panic attack resided for a minuit or two to bring her into a better room.

she would have these little hyperventaltion attack or whatever every few minuits and fall asleep shortly after, after about 6-7 of them she woke up and got up and acted as nothing happened.
I immediatly ask, "what are you doing" and she was fine.
She doesnt remember any of it, she says it was all a dream.

These panic attacks are depression related,
they happen alot.
What do I do?

28-07-06, 23:27
It is dangerous to give CPR if a person doesn't need it

She was not dead just panicing

Have you seen GP and he diagnosed panic?


29-07-06, 00:44
It's great that you want to help her but Nic is right it's not a good idea to give mouth to mouth to someone that doesn't need it. It's scary I know and probably the first thing that one thinks of when they think someone isn't breathing but it can do more harm than good if not done properly and only when it is necessary.
Make sure that she sees her doc as soon as possible just to rule out any apnea or any other physical reasons for her symptoms.
I really hope she feels better soon :)

29-07-06, 08:14
Okay, thanks.

She says it helps,
And It does help, when she hyperventalits (sp?) it controls the breathing for some reason and thus the panic attack goes away.

Also, is the dream-like and not remembering anything normal?

29-07-06, 09:49
If she is hyperventilating, get her to breathe into a paper bag. This will regulate her breathing.

As Nic, asked, has she been diagnosed with panic? What help is she receiving?


"Everybody's changing and I don't feel the same"

31-07-06, 06:47
I basicaly do regulate her breathing, I was a lifegaurd I know all about CPR.

And no help at the moment, her mom think that it is asthema.

31-07-06, 08:38
so has she been diagnosed with panic?
And lifeguard or not it not good to give cpr wen a person is breathin- if its panic u really dont need to do this!!!! how old is she?? i would strongly advice a trip to the doctor!!!

04-08-06, 10:17
Well, I'm going to drop the CPR thing.

But, on a side note.
I can gaurntee it's a panic attack, so no questionst here.

Also, today I was laying there with her and she fell asleep and she started to have a panic attack in her sleep and I woke her up she had tears running down her cheeks.
It seems she doesn't recall anything happening at all,
how can this be?
I questioned her about what she was dreaming/thinking about during her sleep she replied 'nothing'
She also says she gets a pain in her chest that moves up towards her throat.
Someone want to elaborate.

04-08-06, 17:48
I admire your dedication to your girlfriend...but really..get her diagnosed.

Let us know whats up.


05-08-06, 10:06
Sounds more like terrifin dreams rather than a panic attack to me!!! If your havin a panic attack bein woken up or spoken to generally doesnt stop it from happenin. Seriously i think u should take her to doctors!!

05-08-06, 11:39
I have to agree with everyone here and say get her to a doctor!

No one barr a medical practitioner is qualified enough to say what is wrong with your girl friend, it could very well be an asthma attack, you don't know that it isn't. Just like you don't know it's a panic attack! it could be something else.

She really needs to know whats going on and get the proper help. I really hope you get her to go soon.

Let us know how she gets on.

Take Carexx


onwards and upwards

05-08-06, 22:00
I live far from a doctor and any AC Transit is miles away, neither of our parents would get off their asses to drive us so we're screwed.

And I do know it's a panic attack, my grandmother was a nurse for 60 years but she isn't qualified to say what kind.
Im thinking more of a depression panic attack, it only happens when she gets depressed and she thinks I am going to leave her.
She hyperventalates,
her chest hurts (maybe beacuse of asthema??)
her fingertips get numb
she gets cold
she cant focus
gets tired

thats all i can name

oh yeah

when she falls alseep,
she wakes up for a short time
all lovey dovey and goo goo eye'd
but she falls back asleep
and if i ask her if she remembers that later,
she thinks it's a dream..

is there a way to stop a panic attack
i mean what can I say

06-08-06, 15:34
again all I can say is get her to a doctor, yes you may be miles away from one but your not telling me you don't have buses where you live!? And to be honest with you, with what you are describing i would be a little worried incase it's something else, you know something a little more seriouse and surely thats enough to get any of you up off your ass! Or if it really is as impossible to get to a doctor phone one and get them to come to you, now that is possible. This is someone you love right? if so then you can't go on hunches and an ex nurse, my mother is a nurse and couldn't even begin to try and diagnose something like that, thats not what nurses do. Please just get her seen by a doctor.

I hope you find a way to get there or get one out to you.

Take Carexx


onwards and upwards