View Full Version : Desperate help needed, thinning hair and hot feeling on scalp!

04-09-12, 19:37
Hi please can someone help I've been searching this forum for similar symptoms with no results.
I noticed within the last 3 weeks that my hair has thinned considerably, I am a 36 year old female and have always had a lot of thick shiny hair.

After my second child was about 2 I noticed that my hair was loosing its good condition which I could cope with, but now it feels so thin it's ridiculous, and in such poor condition, dry as anything.
My fringe is so thin I can see the scalp which really freaks me out.

It has generated an incredible bout of anxiety, with obsessive looking in mirrors and looking at old pictures of myself, but unfortunately this time I am not imagining it! :weep:
Even my husband has had to agree that my hair is thinning, so I have booked an appointment at the doctors to have some blood tests done in case it's thyroid or perimenopause symptoms or something more sinister :weep:
I have also had a lot of stress within the past 2 months with moving house and the kids changing school etc...

Also the scalp looks pink and I feel this tingling on it sometimes, and the best is still to come: My forehead looks bigger now that it looked 4 years ago which means it's also thinning at the hairline!
I'm so scared I'm going to go bald, has anyone ever experienced anything similar and their hair grew back?
Please I'm desperate to get some answers!

04-09-12, 19:40
This happened to my sister when my mom passed away from stress ... they tested everything but she was fine and her hair is fine now. I have heard if it is thyroid related your hair should grow back once on medication.

04-09-12, 20:31
See how the blood tests go Toffeeapple, could be hormones.
My hair thinned years ago, I think stress may have something to do with it too.
Let us know how you go no:hugs: