View Full Version : Going mad about moles

04-09-12, 22:41
I have always had a lot of moles and freckles. I have pretty much all the factors that make me high risk for melanoma. I keep a pretty close eye on my skin but haven't had a proper skin check by a dermatologist before. With my 36th birthday a few weeks ago I really started to freak out that my moles are cancerous and have been obsessed and panicking about a range of them - even though rationally nothing has changed (that I can tell). But my health anxiety is so high I have been googling (i know, bad) info and pics about melanoma and have convinced myself I have it. I have made an appt with a dermatologist for 13 sept but the wait is KIlLING me. I am physically making myself sick about it. I had to get a referral from my GP to go so he has had a look at the moles I am particularly concerned about, as well as given my skin a once over and he basically told me to stop stressing and that there was nothing to worry about. He was even reluctant to make the referral (!!!) yet still I am not reassured and can't stop thinking I am dying. I feel like I am going crazy and can't relax or enjoy anything til this appt next week :((

04-09-12, 23:11
You sound 100% like me! I have moles that i obsess about and take photos of them just to check if they still look ok it drives me absolute crackers!
If ur gp has told you itts ok try and chill and forget about the moles because they wre fine xx

05-09-12, 07:29
Thanks nattynatt for the words of reassurance. Good to know in not the obly one out here who is obsessed. It's just like I have a cloud of doubt eg 'what if the gp is wrong?' , 'what if I missed the cancerous mole to be checked?'
It does your head in once you start thinking like that. I know I will feel much better after next week I just wish it would hurry up and get here!!

09-09-12, 03:43
My skin exam is this Thursday. The closer it gets the more the panic is coming back :(
I'm Tying hard not to stress about it but I'm so worried. It's my first visit to a derm and I am playing fortune teller about all the worst case scenarios. Which is not helping. I know forecasting and catastrophising is a mental distortion so I just keep trying to reassure myself that it's my mind telling me this bad stuff and to be confident that my gp knows what he's talking about and trust that im ok. Still, just want Thursday to be here and over and all to be well. I feel like I going crazy here!

13-09-12, 12:10
Thought I'd update for anyone else who is stressing about moles...
I had my skin exam today with the dermatologist and it turns out i do have to have two taken off my back. Part of me is relieved that the rest of them are fine but of course now I'm incredibly anxious about the biopsy results. I have the two moles removed next Wednesday. The dr was really lovely and as standard procedure, takes off any moles that look different to the others on your body. I would strongly advise anyone else who has ANY concerns about ANY moles or spots on their skin, to see their GP and if you're still unsure (like I was!) to go to a dermatologist. Don't waste time asking online - only a skin dr can truly review a mole properly.

13-09-12, 12:39
well said SKW..... the drs air on the side of caution with moles, if they look like they have changed or will change then they remove them. I can only emphasise your point of get them checked out properly if you are worried about them at all.

incidently I am going mad about moles but mine are in my garden digging up my lawn :roflmao: