View Full Version : My Current Symptoms

04-09-12, 22:56
Let me take some type to describe what has been going on with me lately, as I am concerned about it, and after being through so many doctors in the last 2 years im not sure what to do.

1. Dizzyness. I have had a dizzyness that has not eased up in the last year, if anything has only gotten worse. Sometimes it is more of a lack of balance than a dizzyness. Most times I dont notice it, but sometimes its a huge annoyance.

2. Shakyness. This is something I've mainly noticed in the last month. I am feeling somewhat shaky. It isnt all the time, but I noticed it 2 weeks ago as just a very slight shake, it was invisible from the outside and I had my mom feel me to see if I was shaking and she couldn't feel it. It actually got a bit worse last night, but only lasted a couple minutes. I know I have shaken when I got panic attacks but this doesnt exactly feel like that. It feels like..the best I can describe it is like 1/3rd of a shiver, and you can't see it from the outside. Not a bad shake by any means but enough for me to notice. I have also been under an excessive amount of stress and anxiety lately.

3. Weight loss. About 4, maybe 5 months ago I weighed about 194. Which is where I had been for about 2 years. There was always a couple pounds plus or minus, but around that number. I currently weigh 180.4 pounds. I have not really increased the amount of excersize I am doing, by much atleast. There is a slight increase in walking. I did switch about 3 months ago from sweetened tea (which I drank a LOT of) to unsweetened green tea, and I have also been eating less for lunch. I am still not sure if those are enough to account for a 14 pound swing in 4 months.

4. Acid Reflux. I have had increasing gas (wind pain) in the last 6 months to the point where I having to belch and burp a lot. Those create some scary symptoms.

5. Muscle Pains. I have noticed that I am more prone to muscle pulls and pains lately. I am not sure if its something to do with getting older (im only 21) or the high amount of anxiety and stress I am under.

6. Strong smelling urine. I dont know what this has to do with anything, but my urine has had a strong odor some of the time in the last month. I have taken a vitamin occasionally in the last month, so im not sure if that could be it, I have also increased my intake of bananas.

About 8 months ago I had my doctor flat out tell me, there is no cancer, no diabetes, nothing severe. Nothing really wrong with my heart. I assume that is still the case

That basically sums up the last 2 months for me...It seems as if sometimes I feel ok if I am doing something, but the majority of the time I am feeling these symptoms. I know I am under an enormous stress amount right now, probably by far bigger than at anytime in my life due to family in the hospital and other things, but I am not sure what to think about these symptoims. The shaking I have kind of attributed to stress but who knows, maybe some other people in here have similar symptoms with a not so severe cause, but these symptoms just become increasingly worrying to me along with all the eadded stress that has come from family members being in the hospital on top of other things. I am 99% sure I have developed an atleast minor case of depression, so that is also contributing I think. I keep hearing all these common things that can cause these symptoms but I just dont know.

Any help advice, similar symptom stories would be appreciated.

04-09-12, 23:38
Apart from the strong urine smell, i get the same stuff, Shaking from ther inside, i normally get this when i am in bed at night. it like a virating sort of feeling, but no one can see it.

My neck and shoulder are alwasy tence and hurting and feel stiff, which causes me headaches. which are a pain, coz i think something is wrong with me. also get migrane due to stress.

I also get dizzyness and lightheadednes. supposendly thias is becuase we are breathing too much or too shallow, sometimes we dont even realise we are doing it, which causes us to feel dizzy.

Also what I have noticed as well is sometimes by head feels like its being pulled forward to the ground. nimbness and tingle. whoch are all part of anxety.

Hope this helps.

04-09-12, 23:49
Hi there :) I am dizzy all the time, constantly. Its not really like the room is spinning or anything, but it's like I'm falling and I'm extremely lightheaded, and when I get up I feel like I can't keep balanced, even though I do. This is my number one worst symptom because I feel like I can't do anything. I've had this since June, and I went to an ENT and cardiologist and everything checked out good. Also sometimes my arms/hands shake... but it's somewhat visible from the outside, but that only happens when I'm tired or hungry or under more stress than usual. Also sometimes I get muscle pains but thats not really as frequent as everything else. All my doctors said nothings wrong, so I'm assuming it's all stress and anxiety. I definitely think all of your symptoms can be due to stress as well.

05-09-12, 00:04
I'm lightheaded all the time. Like my equiiberium is off. For me thats the worst symptom for me.

05-09-12, 00:21
All 3 of those responses sound like me. That does give me a lot more confidence.

05-09-12, 00:52
These symptoms are virtually identical to what i suffer with its uncanny love to see anyone elses thoughts as i dont seem to be getting anywhere and still hard to beleive the body feels like this just through anxiety:ohmy:

05-09-12, 02:11
Hi Trbfan, sorry to hear about what you are going through, i really do feel for you.

I also have some of your symptoms, the dizzyness everyday along with foggy head and fuzzy feelings in my head. Also i have the strong smelling urine which is a strange one and my urine still seems to be bright yellow like im dehydrated even though im just drinking water and plenty of it.

i dont know if its anxiety or something else causing it either.

05-09-12, 02:40
Have you seen anENT regarding the dizziness?
It might be a simple ear problem.

Anxiety can also cause dizziness, also being even slightly dehydrated or lacking in a vitamin.

I get internal tremours, you can't see them but I can feel them.
There pretty much nothing you can do but accept it as far as I'm aware.
It's worse when I'm more aware, as in lying down.
Or if I put my hands flat on a table it feels as if the tables shaking.
Had it since I was a kid.

Green tea has caffeine n is often used as a weighloss aid.
Anxiety makes you tense, heart races more so you burn more calories.
It also affects appetite .

Being tense affects your muscles.
I found getting a new matteress helped some.
Also being low in some vitamins can make you more prone to cramps. Some say bananas can help

---------- Post added at 02:40 ---------- Previous post was at 02:38 ----------

When your hydrated your urine should be light in colour.

Some foods like asparagus can cause a strong smelling urine. I'm sure there's other foods too.

Vitamins can make your urine super bright green n yellow.