View Full Version : stabbing pain left side of chest quite a bit above nipple do I go to a and e

05-09-12, 00:33
Hi there I keep on getting this stabbing pain really sharp between my left breast and my shoulder i have had it since 1pm coming and going long periods where I dont have it it is sore to touch the area i also have been burping a lot under major stress today got chased by a rottweiller today and then went to see cardiologist to get the results of 24 heart tape he wants me on warfarin, Im also waiting to have a colonoscopy. Also ate a lot of fat today sausage and egg sandwich and scampi and chips so was wondering if it was gallbladder related but cant stop panicing thinking it is my heart or pulmonary embolism but it is happening just as I want to go to sleep already taken 1 valium and 2 paracetemol it is driving me mad

05-09-12, 00:45
probably the fat to be honest.

heart pain would not be sore to touch and not felt in that area.

More likely indigestion to be honest.

If it is no better tomorrow then pop and see doc

05-09-12, 02:45
Wow you had a bad day :(
It seems maybe like indigestion or muscle cramp to be honest.
How are you now?