View Full Version : Newbie: I'm trying to fight a panic attack off!

05-09-12, 05:14
I've not long awoke with that sudden 'rush' in my chest and the feeling you have got to get away. I have a history of anxiety/panic attacks going way back but have been free of them for quite a while. Since I have become hypothyroid (under active thyroid) I've felt tired, achy, and have palpitations.
When I get these attacks, I'm my own worst enemy. I want to hide away as I'm ashamed of myself for not coping. I am afraid of going back to how I was (depressed and agoraphobic) losing years of my life. My husband say's he can't cope with my illnesses so I don't feel I can share it with him. It's a fear of the fear.
The night time is worse as it's the 'lonely hours'. Although my daughter and friends have said I can ring them at anytime, I won't ring them at night. My husband is blissfully asleep upstairs as I write this as I feel I can't wake him as he can't cope with it anyway.
Why can't I be strong like other people?
Thank you for reading this.:weep:

05-09-12, 05:35
Hi crimperess

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

eternally optimistic
05-09-12, 07:17

Sorry you have had an early, unpleasant start to the day. It can be a very isolating thing and sometimes, you dont want others, even those close to you, to know how rubbish you are feeling inside. The rushes, the worry of when it is going to "pass over", will it come back in a bit, can I relax now, has it passed, here it comes again" - it is bloody horrible.

Have you been to see your GP about how you are feeling, are you on any meds for the panic?

By the way, you ARE being strong by dealing with every episode of feeling like this.

Hang in there and dont criticise yourself for this - it can "happen" to people of all walks of life.

Hope you have calmed down now and, start to go in the right direction.

Feel free to PM, if you like.


05-09-12, 19:50
Hi Crimperess,

hey don't feel like you're not coping..and that you're not strong...flamin hell all that you're going thru and alone!! I hope you don't mind me giving my two pennorth of advice..I've been to hell an back with panic anxiety and agoraphobia..I'm ok now tho...they way I beat it was to read about panic till I was blue in the face..as I keep telling everyone - know your enemy!! once I truly understood panic and how it worked I became a lot less terrified of it..I went into 'bring it on' mode..try and get a copy of this book and read it over and over...it's written by an ex sufferer..it was the turning point for me.. it's called 'At Last a Life' by Paul David...I've only ever seen it for sale on ebay.. spend those 'lonely hours' reading..and when you find yourself mid panic..distract your mind by counting up in 18s..or read.. anything absorbing...just get your mind and thoughts totally away from how terrible your feeling..don't let panic get a look in!! anyway I wish you all the very best in your recovery..you'll get there you'll see!! : )