View Full Version : new and desperate

29-07-06, 01:49
hi i would like to introduce myself to you all and hopefully find some comfort in your support and help

my grandma died 2 weeks ago we were very close and i had a baby 7 weeks ago so you can imagine my life at teh moment. my hubby called an ambulance for me last friday as i threataned my life so now i have been on citalopram for a week now and feel weird on them is it worth putting up with this horrible feelling.

i also have a fear of death and think that either im going to die or someone close to me is going to be in a car crash or something its horrible to live this way
any advice would be great thanks loraine x

29-07-06, 02:23
Welcome aboard, Lory.

Your life will be an emotional cocktail at the moment, but by getting the meds and coming here, you have done the right thing.

Give the meds a bit more time as you may still be getting used to them.

Take a look at this thread

Citalopram, Cipramil, Escitalopram & Lexapro (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1949)

All we get better in the fullness of time,

Take Care



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

29-07-06, 02:36
Hi Lory, welcome to the boards. There's lots of people here who have been through every problem under the sun. I'm sure you can find some support and help here :)

29-07-06, 04:41
hi loraine
dont despair sweetheart, you are dealing with a real lot at the moment, a new baby and such a sad loss. Like you i was very low after my daughter was born and it took almost a year for the doc to diagnose post natal depression, i actually thought i had a terrible illness and was going to die.
I lost my dad back in oct he was only unwell for an hour and died in A&E it was such a shock and im still trying to accept it.
try and stick with the tablets they will help and has your doc referred you for counselling?
take care and deal with each day as it comes x


29-07-06, 07:18
Hi Loraine, sorry to hear that things are tough for you at the moment, you'll find lots of friends and support here.


29-07-06, 10:23

Welcome to the forum. You will find lots of help and support here and make some new friends too!

x x

29-07-06, 10:47
hi lorain what you are going through is hell itself give your meds a bit more time to work , talk with your hubby . i really feel for you but on this forum you have friends who are there for you we all understand you are not on your own take care love god bless sue

29-07-06, 11:33
Hi Lory, please don't give up. You are going through an emotional washing machine at full spin at the moment but with the right help you will come through it. You have lost a loved one and created a new life all in a very short space of time, no wonder you feel so up and down.

You are not alone.

Lastly, your baby is a wonderful gift, many congratulations.

Louise xx

29-07-06, 11:45
Hi Lory,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

29-07-06, 12:55
Hi Loraine

Welcome aboard.

Sorry to hear about your Grandma and congratulations on the new baby.

I hope we can be of some help. You are not alone with those thoughts either and they can be scary I know.


polly daydream
29-07-06, 13:33
Hi Lory and welcome to the forum. Oh sweetheart you are going through a rough time of it at the moment, we are all here to give each other help and advice where we can, you will find we are a great team. I'm sorry to hear about your gran, I was close to mine before she died so I know how you feel. Congrats on your new baby.

Try to stay with the citalopram, I am on it to and felt horrible for the first two weeks but it does get better and you will feel the benefit. What dose are you on? alot of people have a fear of death and worry about something awfull happening to there loved ones, it is only human nature. It might be a good idea to go back to your dr and discuss perhaps having some counselling sessions.

Take care,

Polly x

29-07-06, 14:28
Hi Loraine,

A big warm welcome to you.

Take Care


29-07-06, 15:55
Hi Loraine
Not surprised you feel bad You have just had 2 massive things happen in your life. Giving birth sends your hormones and emotions all over the place, so be kind to yourself at the mo, let the people around you love and support you and enjoy your baby as much as you can
Wendy x

29-07-06, 20:34
Hi loraine.. Welcome Sorry to hear of your loss dealing with a death is never easy,and congrats on your new baby. At the moment your body is all over the place so try and continue using your meds they will work in time. I have just started using citalopram and i felt weird for the first month but it passes. Take care. big hugs xx