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View Full Version : Anxiety/urgency in morning

05-09-12, 07:35
Hi all,

Just wondered if anyone else has this same problem. I am quite a worried person generally and suffer from anxiety (especially health related anxiety). I also stress a lot about work and let it get to me a lot. I work about a 40 hour week and have to wake up quite early (about 6). I find that within 5 minutes of waking up I feel the need to go to the bathroom and will have a normal bowel movement. I will then have a little cereal or some toast and within about 20 minutes I will feel this urgency to go to the bathroom again and this time I find that (and I'm sorry if this is a little too much info!) my bowel movement will be quite loose (not really like proper diarreah-just not very formed and like I say there's this "urgency"). This always worries me cause I have this feeling in my head that I am going to be needing the loo at work all day and that makes me uncomfortable. Plus I worry that I may be "ill" or something...the thing is, once the morning is over I feel totally fine for the rest of the day and this tends to only happen in the monring of working days-not at the week-ends...Does anyone else have this problem or can anyone recommend anything to combat this? Thanks. :)

05-09-12, 09:03
I am the same, I woke early and all I have eaten is a cereal bar and had to run straight to the loo! My anxiety is always worse on a morning.

05-09-12, 09:21
I have the same every day. I always wake with panic/anxiety or both and very soon after rising feel the need for an 'urgent' soft bowel movement. It had me worried so I went to the dr about it - he ran some tests for peace of mind but it turned out it is just the flight/fight response to the anxiety. Doesn't hurt to make an appt if you are wanting reassurance

05-09-12, 10:08
i am the same i wake up rush to the loo its loose and i havent eat anything and sorrt tmi but my poo is always yellow ive been like this for about 3 months now i do take imdumom (sp) now and again if i go too many times i do have ibs though

05-09-12, 10:42
Hi I have something similar, started a thread like it not so long back http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=120049

05-09-12, 18:25
Thank you all for your replies. I'm glad it's not just me...well obviously not glad that others feel this way too, but sometimes it helps to hear that you're not the only one. I guess it probably is just fuelled by good old anxiety. Take care all. :)