View Full Version : New Paradigms !!

05-09-12, 15:34
After much thought and research I would like to propose a new term to better describe all the allostatic load disorders...in part: anxiety – panic – IBS – fibromyalgia – CFS – multiple chemical sensitivity etc.

The term is Dysautonomia or simply a nervous system out of order or balance has been used in medicine for many years. It accurately encompasses all the diverse and baffling symptoms we find in these conditions and it does not have the socially weighted terms of “Fatigue” or “Neuroses” from anxiety. It also helps remove the sex based stereotyping of these conditions as most often found in women.

Dysautonomia is a term utilized for a group of complex conditions that are caused by a malfunction of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The ANS regulates all of the unconscious functions of the body, including the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal system, metabolic system, endocrine system and can manifest as hundreds of ever changing symptoms. This tends to produce baffling symptom chasing in both patients and physicians. A malfunction of the ANS can cause debilitating symptoms and may pose significant challenges for effective medical treatment if the clinician fails to recognize the core causes.

This proposes new paradigms of treatment once we understand that at the core of all of these disabling disorders is the central nervous system and that they can have more in common than dissimilar and are often comorbid in patients. I also helps us understand why the medical model has failed in the treatment of these disorders and why new constructs of treatment are necessary.

Fortunately we have proven practices to assist the regulation of the nervous system that are ancient and well proven. As research has brought us the proof that Allostatic Load fits perfectly with Dysautonomia we can come to understand that we have control of the process and have the personal power to effect physiological and psychological change leading to improvement or recovery.

Words have power and this case it causes rethinking old paradigms and allowing the unraveling of stalwarts of previous beliefs and treatments To think of oneself as Dysautonomic opens new concepts and avenues of recovery as well as elimination of social stigmas failed medical models.

To understand Dysautonomia is to understand the disharmony and cascade of nervous system altering ways we have arrived at these conditions. They are not a disease and they do not require chemotherapy. All the current and groundbreaking research on these conditions tells us they are an end result of asking more of the nervous system than it was created to endure. Each of us has a genetic set point where a threshold is reached and alerting symptoms appear. If these are not recognized they are followed by more profound and often seemingly “stuck” symptoms and conditions.

That the nervous system “Learns” though neuroplasticity and can become stuck in maladaptive cycles has been known for decades. To know this also allows us to utilize the known ways to retrain a nervous system that has lost proper stasis and to encompass new ways to regain harmony and health.