View Full Version : liver issue, great support needed.

05-09-12, 19:01
:weep: hi everyone.

i no know one can really help but i need to share some thoughts before i snap.

i believe 100% i got hepatitis, i first thought my symptoms were anxiety because i have major problems with health anxiety, i once thought i had penis problems so much that it actually hurt, i also believed i had heart problems my chest pains were crazy but know this is the real thing and on wednesday evening i should be chilling out but im one lost soul, heres my story....

i had unprotected sex, after that my heartburn started, didn't think much of that really it didnt bother me and progressively got worse, then came the spider viens on my face and again it didnt really bother me because i thought they were just burst blood vessels which they are but didnt realise they were due to liver issues until now

then all of a sudden within the last few months i got blood spots (cherry angiomas all over my body) and that's when i started googling.

i remember i had heartburn that day and was drinking lots of water which gave me belly ache then pulled my phone out and looked at what cherry angiomas are and then it went down hill from there. liver function / damage etc.

i started getting a pulling sensation in my lower right side (by the gall bladder) and across the stomach and i continued to worry about it and started poking and prodding and have been for about two weeks, went to docs he poked my adominal area no pain off you go.

back aches set in between the shoulder blade and it radiates up and down it but i really get both abdominal pain and back ache at same time almost as if its my mind creating it but seems highly unlikely.

went to docs again and he ran some liver function tests, i was so sure it would show abnormal reading i was distraught but it came back normal, he said don't worry about hepatitis tests because it would of shown up if there was a virus present or an inflamed liver etc

so i think to myself ok not feeling to relieved because there must be a problem because i got blood spots and spider veins all over me so liver problems there are, there must be!. plus today my galblader area is tender to touch, maybe through so much poking and probing, thinking about pain and creating pain in my head but i very much dout it. my galblader hurts shortly after eating.

some websites say lft will indicate hepititis virus and others say it doesnt but like i siad its a dead cert i got it. and i feel terrible.

its my own fault for all of this and i feel awful :weep: my anxiety has gone through the roof !!

take care, god bless.


06-09-12, 01:25
Can I ask if you smoke and drink alcohol?

06-09-12, 02:57
I just googled cherry angiomas and it doesn't say anything about hepatitis. If your gall bladder hurts just after eating, it's more likely to be gall stones.You will make it worse by poking and prodding, but you know that already. You've had the liver function tests and they came back normal. Are you getting some help for anxiety?

06-09-12, 04:09
Hiya. I do smoke heavily and moderate drink, poor diet due to shift pattern. Well when I looked into it it says due to low platlette count specialt the spider viens. I'm sure the doctor would of done a full blood count and noticed anysigns of that but what bothers me is that why didn't it pick up my gallstones if there were any. I am currently seeking help for my anxiety.

06-09-12, 04:22
Go to a sexual health clinic and get a full STD test if you have not already done so

06-09-12, 06:06
I got tested Tuesday evening for everything. I'm so scared. If I wasn't popping up with spider veins and cheery angiomas I wouldnt be so worried. Along with the abdominal pain. I do have similar viens in my legs that you can see thought the skin also called spider veins that run in the family I think.

A mate also has three cherry angiomas on his chest and in some cases I read that they are harmless and healthy people get them.

My adominal pain did start as a twinge so maybe my tenderness now is from constant poking about and me tensing up for the past few weeks.

The only thing Im grasping onto is the liver function tests that the doctor said was normal, any liver damage or swelling possibly would of shown up then, I can only hope I guess.

06-09-12, 07:14

Just wanted to let you know...I have some small cherry angiomas on my chest..

I have had children so have had hepitits blood tests as always done...I am perfectly fine and healthy as far as i am aware...


Lesley anne
06-09-12, 07:57
Hi there, let me tell you, I had viral hepatitis in march, you would know all about it. I had tremendous sickness and diahorrea, with really sore upper abdominal pain and raised levels in my liver screen test. If your test results are normal, then that's good. I know that my anxiety plays tricks on my mind and can make me feel really sick and my mind gets all mixed up and I fret too. Thinking of you and I'm glad your result was normal. It's took me a while to get there, normal readings, but I think I still have a slight touch of it know and then. X

06-09-12, 09:58
Thank you for the support and suggestions from all.*

And thank you very much Lesley Anne, I am sorry to hear of your diagnosis and glad to hear your levels are normal again.*

I don't really know a lot about hepatitis because I try not to read about it because I will scare myself silly I just skim off the surface information and try and diagnose myself with what information I have*

06-09-12, 10:21
Lesley anne is right

I have had raised levels twice the normal, and not had any illness recognized. I did not feel or look ill at the time.
If your liver was effected in anyway it would be higher than mine were - mine has also returned to normal, has done this twice now... I do not drink or smoke and I eat healthy. I just do not think about it now which is not much fun with anxiety.

The blood test would definitely have showed dramatically different results to the normal range... so do not worry

06-09-12, 11:51
Ok the spider veins on the face will be from the smoking and drinking I am afraid.

06-09-12, 12:15
Thank you for the kind words, cherry angioma are harmless so maybe my increase is just normal.*

Altho I get small intermittent pain in that area it only feels tender to touch when I tense up my stomach muscles. The back pain worries me, not really pain but maybe an ache or like someone is stretching my muscles and making them tense.*

Spider veins from smoking? Really?

06-09-12, 19:04
i have it i know. im still in contact with the person i contracted it off, every time i mention blood tests its utter silence.

feel so devastated its so unfair. :weep::weep::weep:

06-09-12, 19:39
Found this for you:

What causes spider veins?

The causes for spider veins cannot be isolated into one or two. There are different causes under different conditions. Exposure to extreme temperature variations, wind and sun damage, use of oral contraceptives, hormonal issues particularly in women, aging, and genetic predisposition are among the most common causes for spider veins.

Aging + broken capillaries
UVA/UVB sun exposure
Hormonal shifts
Drinking alcohol
Poor blood circulation (vein health)
Birth control + oral contraceptives

07-09-12, 08:24
I do smoking intensely and average consume, inadequate eating plan due to move routine. Well when I considered it says due to low platelet depend special the examine veins. I'm sure the physician would of done a complete system depend and observed any signs of that but what troubles me is that why didn't it choose up my gall stones if there were any.

07-09-12, 17:00
I haven't really eaten much today only a few bics with a cupper and pains are not to bad and haven't been poking my belly as much and it's not that tender. Top of my back still aches I little tho maybe tension its been under a lot of tensing action for a couple of weeks now.

I called the clinic to talk to someone today, just anyone who I could share my feelings with becaus it got a bit much.

I probably ruined it now by sAying that pains have eased and there come flooding back, just trying to relax a bit more.

08-09-12, 13:19
Have you hade a complete blood test? Maybe it's just your platelets being a little low, that can cause superficial bleedings and signs. Platelets can go down after an infection or just spontaneously.
If your liver tests didn't show anything strange I rteally think you can stop worrying about your liver.

09-10-12, 10:11
Hello all.*

I would like to thank everyone in the posts in this thread. Things are still a bit in the air ATM but I tested
Negative for hep b and c.*

I was so convinced and no one could of changed my mind I prepared myself mentally for a positive. I didn't eat for two days building up to it but I did decide to haver a heavy drinking session mainly to just take some of the pain away because I couldn't face things sober. Strange cos I worry about my liver but then drink myself silly. Ashamed to admit but I never cried so much curled up on my bed as I did during the last couple of days on the build up to the result.*

The result was a relief and ruined the start of my holiday but that evening I had an absolutely massive and I mean massive panic attack which was a bit release for me. I have had panic attacks loads but this one was the daddy, my fingers started tingling then there was an almighty rush and all my arms legs body tingled my muscles tensed I couldn't breath I thought this was it im having a stroke I couldn't talk and all this happened whilst holding onto my best mates leg rolling around on the floor.*

From that day on my pains didn't stop wich I thought they would, relieved as I was they still persist until now. So after my result I started to think that I miss heard the nurse on the phone and began to worry sick again, I didn't eat much for a further few weeks, a big lack of interest in anything I would suddenly start crying with worry so last week I went in the clinic and looked at the results on paper and they are clear.

*I have been to the doctors and I need to have a chest x-ray and ultra sound for stones in my gallbladder. So I'm still worried as I think it's something more serious.*

I do have symptoms of galblader problems but from what I read I never really had massive attacks like people explain on the Internet. It's just a knawing pain in my right and pain in my right shoulder blade and sometimes shoulder, bowle *movements not been brilliant either. Just waiting anxiously for my appointment for scan.*

---------- Post added at 10:11 ---------- Previous post was at 10:01 ----------

It's is such a dull ache in my right shoulder blade and lower back and right abdomen.

It's one of those aches that's not excessively painfull but drags you down cos its there

09-10-12, 13:38
*I have been to the doctors and I need to have a chest x-ray and ultra sound for stones in my gallbladder. So I'm still worried as I think it's something more serious.*

I do have symptoms of galblader problems but from what I read I never really had massive attacks like people explain on the Internet. It's just a knawing pain in my right and pain in my right shoulder blade and sometimes shoulder, bowle *movements not been brilliant either. Just waiting anxiously for my appointment for scan.*

---------- Post added at 10:11 ---------- Previous post was at 10:01 ----------

It's is such a dull ache in my right shoulder blade and lower back and right abdomen.

It's one of those aches that's not excessively painfull but drags you down cos its there

Just to let you know I kind of understand what you are going through with the gallbladder. I do have gallstones (showed up on ultrasound) and my symptoms are just as you described. I kept waiting for "The Big Attack", the one that leaves you doubled over and gasping for breath... it never came. My doctor says what we're feeling is common, too - just not as internet-worthy.

I wish you good luck with the scan.

09-10-12, 15:40
Just to let you know I kind of understand what you are going through with the gallbladder. I do have gallstones (showed up on ultrasound) and my symptoms are just as you described. I kept waiting for "The Big Attack", the one that leaves you doubled over and gasping for breath... it never came. My doctor says what we're feeling is common, too - just not as internet-worthy.

I wish you good luck with the scan.

Thank you very much for the kind words :). It's actually eased my mind quite a lot after reading that :)

Tbh I really hope they do find gallstones ( because that will be the reasoning to all this worry) and then sort them out with maybe an opp and rid me of this grinding pain :(. My auntie and uncle both had gallstones so it's possible if it's horeditory.

Many thanks again. :)
Il keep you posted.

09-10-12, 16:12
I am glad to be able to help you out a bit. :)

Take care, and let me know how it all turns out!

25-10-12, 20:54
I'm still waiting for my ultrasound. Tonight is been googling again and now the hep b fear has come back again because I stumbled apon something that thrown me off track. I went back to clinic weeks ago and I remember her saying I have slight immunity to the virus, 87uml anti bodys of blood (total immunity = >100uml if I had three jabs) becuause I had two out of three immunity jabs in 2007.

Sounds strange but the nurse once told me any thing over 10>mlu of anti body's per blood sample I will have low immunity but still immune to hep b.

There was also another value that I read on the paper when I checked it s few weeks back that said negative. She said that that detects the virus so it's negative. Maybe I'm being silly but I think she's wrong and doesn't know what she's on about, my pain is persistant all day and my spider veins still have me worried :(.

01-11-12, 07:55
I know people are not really interested anymore but sadly my ultra sound turned up nothing.

I'm going to be hep b positive now. It's kinda all fallen into place. My abdominal pain is horrible and constant, gallstones was just something for me to hold onto.

My hep b tests were
Surface antigen hep b (surface of the virus) : and instead of just saying negative it said a reading 81uml so it means there is something Present

Hep b core total (igg+igm) negative.

The only thing I hold onto really now is the hep b core total result would be positive if I was ever infected but very slight chance it might not be.

What really takes the p"ss is that the nurse said I haven't got hep b but I have, abdominal pains, spider veins and tierdness it's a dead cert.

---------- Post added at 07:55 ---------- Previous post was at 07:52 ----------

I'm laying in bed now thinking I don't want to go through all this anymore :( I don't feel like I can carry on

01-11-12, 08:35
Nothing has been concluded yet and the amount of times my symptoms have ticked all the boxes for different illnesses I have lost count, but I haven't been right yet.

Remember your anxiety heightens alot of your symptoms, but you are not alone we are here to support you so rant away we will listen but try and listen to our advice too xx

01-11-12, 08:51
I know people are not really interested anymore but sadly my ultra sound turned up nothing.

I'm going to be hep b positive now. It's kinda all fallen into place. My abdominal pain is horrible and constant, gallstones was just something for me to hold onto.

My hep b tests were
Surface antigen hep b (surface of the virus) : and instead of just saying negative it said a reading 81uml so it means there is something Present

Hep b core total (igg+igm) negative.

The only thing I hold onto really now is the hep b core total result would be positive if I was ever infected but very slight chance it might not be.

What really takes the p"ss is that the nurse said I haven't got hep b but I have, abdominal pains, spider veins and tierdness it's a dead cert.

---------- Post added at 07:55 ---------- Previous post was at 07:52 ----------

I'm laying in bed now thinking I don't want to go through all this anymore :( I don't feel like I can carry on

I don't know much about hepatitis at all, and nothing about what the blood tests look like if you have it. But as it is a contagious thing, I am sure that the nurse would have known how to recognize it. I know that, at least here in Sweden were I live, if someone has hepatitis B they should by law be informed what they should do to avoid passing the virus to others etc. I can't believe they "missed" a positive hep B-result.
Can you get an appointment with your GP as soon as possible and ask him/her to explain to you what your blood tests actually say?

---------- Post added at 09:51 ---------- Previous post was at 09:48 ----------

PS I googled your test results and many of teh websites speak of false positives when the surface antigen is positive but low.

Please speak to your GP asap so that you don't need to worry this much.


01-11-12, 11:00
Thank you both for the very kind words you don't know how much it means to me you really don't I'm so upset I keep crying and I hurt :(

This one defiantly ticks all the boxes that's for sure I feel so sick right know and I'm in a bad place right know nothing seems reel anymore and everything in life just seems pointless.

I done the hardest thing getting tested for nothing and just to add a bit of spice to my already pain and suffering is a messed up result.

The total core antibody is the only glimmer of hope I have know. The total core antibody would of been my bodies response to suppress the virus if I ever contracted it and would of turned positive. One nurse told me before it would be positive of I ever been exposed.

Trust me one nurse who I saw said I don't know much about hep b and another who looked at my results with me said you don't have it. How the hell can I not be possible if it says a value on the paper and not negative.

---------- Post added at 10:17 ---------- Previous post was at 10:15 ----------

I can't stop crying :( I'm so scared

---------- Post added at 10:31 ---------- Previous post was at 10:17 ----------

My liver is probably enlarged now and that's why I get a constant dull ache is so draining and i feel sick all the time I ache Its draining it's been like this for months and I done the hardest thing and waited for my test and it's all gone horribly wrong and I can't bring myself to eat or do anything now

---------- Post added at 11:00 ---------- Previous post was at 10:31 ----------

I don't even know why I'm posting again, I'm in hell.

01-11-12, 11:05
I understand your fear and how you feel - I have been there too and so have many of us here, we can all understand you I'm afraid.

You say yourself though that the total core antibody is negative, and I found so many websites saying that the other one, the one where you had a positive result, can often give false positives.

I think you need to speak to your GP abpout this. I think you will not really calm down on your own. Please speak to someone because you are feeling to bad as it is now...:bighug1::bighug1::bighug1:

---------- Post added at 12:05 ---------- Previous post was at 12:03 ----------

PS sorry for awful spelling:blush:

01-11-12, 11:47

It is a big fear. When I first started worrying about it before I got tested I got so fed up of googling I stared the fear straight in the face to find out and get tested only to reveal more agony.

Tbh I'm to frightened now to get tested in case the other one comes back positve :(.

---------- Post added at 11:18 ---------- Previous post was at 11:11 ----------

Take away the abdominal pain and things wouldn't seem so bad.

---------- Post added at 11:47 ---------- Previous post was at 11:18 ----------

I just been checking myself out and found more spider veins :( :( :(. I really can't go on anymore!.

01-11-12, 12:39
Oh I am sending you a virtual hug a big one.

I know how you feel I have a constant ache/pain below my left ribs and I am convinced its my spleen and related to lymphoma, that along with the fact I need to have lymph nodes rescanned in a month I am sure I have it.

It's hard to carry on normal life but am trying to get on with things and be glad to be alive today easier said then done and I have found myself constantly googling lymphoma and I get in such a hot sweat and feel sick.

Please you are not alone xxx

01-11-12, 12:48
Thank you for that big hug I needed that :).

I feel sick to the stomach really, I feel let down by the clinic. I had to go in there and interpret the results as it is confusing but people in that position should know.

All I can remember was asking if that was my immunity and she said yes but it wasn't it was the virus value the antigen not the antibody.

I said about my pain she said well its not hep b wot a flipping joke and the thing is I believed her until now.

I can't get my head around it at all why does my core total antibody say negative.

Apperatnly what I read is Uthe core anti body doesnt show if you been vaccinated because the vaccine antibodys do the job now either I had really low immunity due to two jabs but not enough to fight off the virus.

But then again if the vacciene failed my core antibodys would appear I dunno I feel sick just thinking about it tbh.

03-11-12, 04:50
Hello everyone.

I feel a lot better today and Thursday's outburst wasn't called for really, i saw the doctor and they ran some more tests and should get them Monday. The doctor said its very very unlikely due to the core antibody being negative plus I been vaccinated and if the vaccine worked ok I would of been immune way before exposure.

So thank for people's support Thursday :) Altho I tried to take the advice on board from people in didn't sink in but I suppose that's anxiety, no one can tell you any diferent when you got your mind set on something.

You never know I might look back on this thread and laught one day lol

Il keep you posted.

---------- Post added at 04:50 ---------- Previous post was at 01:47 ----------

It pretty scary the unknown I must admit, when deep down you know that something could seriously be wrong, work, interests hobbies etc don't seem interesting at all ATM.

I haven't looked at myself in the mirror close for a week or so know or in the bath I try not to look because more I look the more spider navi things I see things like that it makes me low and when Im aching and having discomfort wich is all the time it is concerning.

This is the first time I have ever really been poorly like this and the lack of interest for doctors doesn't fill me with conferdence and the health service seems so slow.

I have done a lot of silly things in the past and thought I was invisible and nothing could happen to me, it would be someone else but Im certainly thinking diferent know lol

05-11-12, 14:40
i have tested negative for hep b and C.

Hepatitis C anti bodys negative
Hepatitis B Hbsag negative
Core total negative
Anti-hbs(imunity due to two jabs) 63mul- positive

so i never had he b or C and i have imunity to b anyway.

Relieved with out a shadow of a dout as it ticked the right boxes, feel slightly embarassed about the way i acted last week on here but i think i have every reason to worry, hepatits Virus is negative but may be alcoholic hepaptitis, i have drunk alot in the past and abused my body so i cant take sympathy for it.

i will go back to docotors tomororow for blood tests i guess. back ache and abdominal pains are all within liver area. i rekon a scan would be next for me.

i took the biggest hurdle getting tested for hepatitis and feel altho its a negative i still think i have many scary hurdles to cross and maybe this is tourment is only just begining.

would like to thank every one for all there help. :)

20-11-12, 17:09
Just thought I would update for anyone who "ticks all the boxes" and was petrified as I was.

My abdominal ultra sound showed that my galblader was clear of galstones, my liver was normal and pancreas and kidneys was ok.

So far I have had:
Two hep B n C tests negative on both with immunity to b due to vaccine
Abdominal ultra sound: normal.
Full blood count: normal
Liver function test in September: normal
LIver function test in November: normal

Im covered in spider navi and cherry angioma. So anyone who has been to hell and back like myself somtimes symptoms mean nothing

Thanks for everyone's support, I still can't beleive the outcome. It ruined my life.

20-11-12, 17:47
So pleased for you and thanks for the update. I currently have liver issues and it is causing me so much concern. I am so worried.