View Full Version : Acid on burping

05-09-12, 20:53
I've always found that I feel a bit bloated if I can't burp (sorry if TMI), and recently I've not been able to burp which has been uncomfortable. Just this last week I've started being able to burp again (hurrah! lol) but I've also noticed that sometimes I get acid/bile in my throat when burping. Is this what they call acid reflux, and is there anything I can get over the counter to help with it?

05-09-12, 20:57
I use Antacids - normally mint kind. They do help, but too many may make you feel queasy. Unfortunately that's all I know of.

Sorry if that's not much help.

06-09-12, 09:47
Thanks KTimmy. Do you use the tablet kind? I seem to think a friend of mine who was pregnant took an antacid for acid reflux before she ate, but think it was a liquid kind.