View Full Version : low vitamin B 12?? what does that mean

05-09-12, 21:51
Got results of my loads of blood tests and the receptionist said the only thing that was low was B12 and to get 500 mcg supplements to take daily. I asked if there was anything else concerning or was the rest fine, and she said the only thing was the B12 and the doc would talk to me about it at my physical in 2 weeks.

What does that mean? I am scared to google what can cause B12 deficiency. She didn't say I was anemic and I know I was tested for that. I am nervous it is caused by some underlying disease.

I am so sick of my crazy brain.

little scientist
05-09-12, 22:12
B12 deficiency can simply be due to it lacking in the diet, if there were to be an underlying disease, I imagine it would have indicated so in the blood tests results :)

05-09-12, 22:21
thank you! i guess you're right, I'd probably have some symptoms too besides the fake ones I make up in my head.

05-09-12, 23:25
It can anxiey type symptoms, fast heart, weightloss, pins n needles, dizziness, weakness .
Thats why I keep saying its good to take a multivitamin or have a very good diet.
You get b12 from eggs n meat. So it would be diet related :)

06-09-12, 01:08
oh interesting. I don't eat much meat or eggs ... I am not a vegetarian, just don't quite like meat that much unless it's fried (Haha) so I try to avoid the fried stuff!!!

06-09-12, 04:15
Cereal often has b12 added into it :) But just a small amount I think.
Also B vitamins can make your pee bright yellow or green, just so you don't get worried if it happens to you ha ha