View Full Version : Oh this is embarrassing and so gross, but...

29-07-06, 12:29
does anyone, when they're really stressed and panicy, find themself leaking out a little bit of pee? I have always half noticed it and just assumed it was a bit of discharge, but it has suddenly clicked that it is most probably a bit of pee... I'm not sure if it's from going to the toilets so often when I feel nervous (which is a hell of a lot lately) or just an honest stress reaction - it is, I know, a rare type of incontinence.

I am so confused and upset about this as my biggest phobia is wetting my pants in public and oh dear God, it looks like it is happening. Someone please remind me this is not the worse thing in the world that could happen to me, which I know is true, but I am feeling just unbearably unhappy about this right now - I even broke my no medication unless it's real emergency rule and took a serepax.

29-07-06, 15:34
Sorry you are having such a bad time! I hope you are feeling better today. Unfortunatly I have the opposite problem. When I get nervous it is bad and embarssing. About the problem your are having I also have developed a weak bladder and have the same problem, if i have to go pee then I better go right then or well[:I] I will pee my pants. i have had accidents and it was embarrasing, but well i could not stop it so that is the way it is. I just try to go to the bath room when ever I am going out and if I feel even the slightest bit of an urge i will run to the rest room. Have you tried wearing a thick Kotex? That way if you have an accident it will catch the wetness. Take care and hope you are feeling better. Write to me if you feel the need. You are not alone with your problems.

29-07-06, 23:37
Hey thanks for your response Twila, it's always good to know you're not alone (although I wouldn't wish this problem on anyone!). After I calmed down a bit last night I researched some good pelvic floor exercises to start doing and I also plan to see a specialist - while I'm sure anxiety is the chief culprit, I'd like a better understanding of what's happening to my poor litt' renal system. I'll keep you posted!
L xx

31-07-06, 12:32
Hi Louisey. I have this problem sometimes too. I've been to the doctor and told to start doing pelvic floor exercises every day, however it'll take about 3-6 months before they become effective.