View Full Version : HELP ME.

05-09-12, 22:55
Hello, i'm still scared. I've been feeling my glands and the lump under my chin. Then I feel deeper into my neck after my glands and feel more weird stuff. I'm so scared and afraid. What should I do? Am I sick?:weep:

05-09-12, 23:04
Are they sore? Do you feel sick?
The glands might naturally be that way also they are reactive to touch so poking them makes them swell more.

05-09-12, 23:47
I don't feel sick and they only hurt when I push them upwards. I'm just scared of cancer.

06-09-12, 00:47
If you keep poking and prodding you will make then sore as well

06-09-12, 07:27

I was doing the exact same the other night...
I was pretty certain that i found an odd lump at the side of my neck....Thing is if we poke and prod looking for things..we most certainly find something that doesnt seem right...
We are however not doctors...we cant say whats normal or not...i have to tell myself that all the time...

We have a ton of glands/lymth nodes in the neck...

Always ask your GP though if generally concerned...


06-09-12, 22:02
I'm just afraid. I constantly touch this lump under my chin. I think it's a lymph node bcause it's moveable. But why is it swollen? I don't want to ask the doctor, I don't want him to say I have cancer :(

rachael t
06-09-12, 22:41
Hi ive got lumps on left side of my neck wen im anxious i think the worst but deep down i no there glands

06-09-12, 23:02
I'm really freaking out. I've got tiny pains that last for 1 second in different parts of my neck each day. And when I feel that area I feel something weird. :(

06-09-12, 23:10
Swollen glands at either side of the neck are really common. They can happen when you feel run down or have a cold or infection. When my daughter was about 6 she had swollen glands for about 8 weeks. Gp was about to send her for tests when they went down. She had no other symptoms.

If it persists, go see a doctor. They will simply do a few blood tests which should put your mind at rest.

06-09-12, 23:49
I also had that behind my right ear just a few weeks ago! I definitelty did not feel sick so I guess my body was fighting off some weird unknown disease lol

It went back down after 3 days. Just give it some time to go down and you'll be fine

07-09-12, 12:42
I've had the same thing in my neck for months and like you was worried sick about cancer. I had it scanned and was told its a cyst. I still poke it all the time to check its not got any bigger lol. Please try not to worry.