View Full Version : tingly fingers

06-09-12, 00:05

so for nearly a week now i ave had that feeling u know the one where u feel like uve touched a fabric for too long and ur fingers go all tingly in my little finger and next biggest finger on my left hand and it doesnt seem to be going away anytime soon! .

what is it and shud i be getting someone to see it?

06-09-12, 00:25
It could be anxiety as that causes pins and needles type tingling or it could be a trapped nerve or carpal tunnel syndrome or RSI

If it goes on and on and gets annoying then yes see the doc.

06-09-12, 00:34
thank u . :)

if it spreads to other parts of my hand i shall definitely see a doc.

06-09-12, 00:43
Well I would say if it was continous and never goes away for long periods of time

If you spend a lot of time on the computer this can cause these problems too

06-09-12, 00:48
hmm... something to think i do use the comp a fair bit.

06-09-12, 01:15
I get it just before and during a panic attacks so suppose it could be related to anxiety