View Full Version : I think i figured my anxiety out! Maybe

06-09-12, 11:28
I've been vegetarian now for 16 years (am 21) and have come across an article that says a lack of protein results in anxiety and depersonalization! Suddenly a lightbulb turned on and i realised I'm getting no where near enough protein as i should be and im constantly anxious and tired and low.
Just off to a health store to buy some soy protein powder will report back in a few days! Quite excited about this theory lol as i've been researching anxiety/protein success stories and it sounds hopeful.

I dont know the science behind it but its to do with protein having amino acids which reduce anxious hormones

Any thoughts on this?

06-09-12, 13:52
I suffer from low blood sugar and when I get hungry I feel spaced out and anxious, amongst other things. The only way to combat this is to have protein with every meal, it's something I learned through trial and error.
For instance, I couldn't survive for more than an hour with just a bowl of cereal for breakfast, it has to be eggs or meat (sorry!). So yes, I do believe there's a connection.

06-09-12, 18:22
This is interesting Im veggie too must take a look at my protein too. thanks

06-09-12, 18:46
This is interesting Im veggie too must take a look at my protein too. thanks

Apparently depending on the person and factors etc but protein should be around 50g a day, i worked out atm i'm getting about 20g a day !
let me know how you get on as it is v interesting :)

07-09-12, 09:32
When my blood sugar is low I get so moody and anxious. It is recommended that you eat protein at each meal so not having enough could definitely be a factor - like if you only had fruit for breakfast/lunch. However, diet is likely to only be one contributing factor to your anxiety as it's a pretty complex problem. I'm only saying this because I wouldn't want you to crash if the protein drinks don't work.

07-09-12, 09:35
Ive just started on some of those protein shakes, mine is for weight gain, i'm hoping it helps, ive tried just about everything else!
