View Full Version : Really scared

29-07-06, 14:59
Hi guys, i go for weeks not needing to post then suddenly i wanna post lots. The heat is a killer for me i just have this lightheadedness straight feeling like unreality and also quite faint, hot flushes are very bad right now and i just think if i go far etc something horrible will happen to me. why is this happening i really wanna live my life knowing i wont faint and that my focusing will get better cause it feels like im straining, and i still get the wooozy feeling when waking up.

anyone around to talk x

29-07-06, 15:25
Hi Katy,

Aw hun sorry your not feeling too good. I think this hot weather has been a killer to all of us. It makes our panic more real and then our thoughts go wild. Which in turn sets off the shaky feeling and we feel like we are going to faint. You are not alone Katyxx

Thinking of you


29-07-06, 18:52
Hi Katy, thank goodness the hot weather has at last eased off for most of the country. Make sure you are eating well and drinking plenty of water, sleeping will probably be a lot easier now too. I wouldn't think you will faint, if you haven't done so far, i don't believe you will now? When you first wake up, just try some stretching, have a lovely shower and nice breakfast, listen to the radio/cd anything to distract you from thinking how you are feeling, i think many of us wake with our first thoughts being, i so hope i won't feel dizzy/sick/anxious today, and guess what, yeah, off we go again. sorry not much use but i can assure you that you will be fine, you have been through this before and coped this is a blip and you will cope again take care and keep in touch xx

29-07-06, 19:43
hi katy hope you are feeling better now i know its soo hardv to believe it,s the anxiety (cause it feels soo horrible)but it is and the only way to try and overcome it is to not pay it too much attension!!!god that sounds so easy when i write it i should take my own advice sometimes!!!!lol take care rachelx x x

polly daydream
29-07-06, 20:05
Hope you are feeling a little better Katy, it is supposed to be cooling down by 2moro so should be alot more comfortable, thank god.

Take care,

Polly x

31-07-06, 13:32
My suggestion is to have a watermelon cut up in bits in the fridge. Keep having a bit which will cool you, give you a boost, increase your water intake and make you focus away from your "faint"
take care

there's a place that I dream of when I sleep, so peaceful, so quite, I call it mother earth.