View Full Version : More Odd Feelings

06-09-12, 11:52
Every since I made that post a couple days ago, I have noticed a few different symptoms. The shaking is still there, but yesterday I started feeling like my vision was slightly off. The best way I can describe it is like when you are slightly tired. The way your vision acts when you are a little sleepy. Thats how I feel, and I slightly noticed that yesterday, and again when I just woke up after a couple hours of sleep. Its odd to me that this would be a sleep issue, as I have slept better this week than any time in my 2 months of issues here. I feel shaky still. It certainly isnt an issue I am feeling 24/7. It very much comes and goes. I have felt a bit dizzier during this time. I thought I may have noticed myself feelng a bit nautious as well.

Could it be me getting sick? well, short answer is yes. My grandpa had a cold last week, and my mom came down with what seems to be a very bad cold 2 or 3 days ago. Could it be stress? I would assume so. My levels of anxiety and depression and stress are through the roof. It has felt like my mind especially in the last 3 weeks, has become very weak to any negative stimulus. I have felt my shaking come on during a stressful event. Last night though, I thought I had felt a slight nose run coming on and a slight cough, but I do not feel those now. I just feel shaky, maybe slightly nautious, like my depth perception or focus was just slightly off when I got up and last night (thought I dont particularly feel the depth or focus off laying here typing this.)

---------- Post added at 05:52 ---------- Previous post was at 05:37 ----------

I guess it could be that I need sleep due to so much stress as well? Honestly..I can tell how fragile my head has gotten. I had two friends fight last night, and I was just walking around, and I just got this sudden urge to cry and I just felt..weird..like..kind of a rushing feeling, hard to explain and very sad. Everything has been affecting me lately. I just figured it could be sleepyness here cause I ducked my head down on my pillow for a second and kinda had one of the those half asleep moments and ducked jumped my head up to very similar symptoms to what I had been feeling earlier, when I didnt particularly notice many of them before. Those went away quickly as well. In some ways it does feel like exhaustion from being sleepy, but I would be surprised if it is. in some ways as well I feel symptoms of the nerves in my back pinching..I can't even explain it.

06-09-12, 12:40
It does sound like all of these symptoms are anxiety. I feel dizzy, faint and very nauseous when my anxiety is worse.

07-09-12, 02:52
I went to the doctor earlier, she didn't really tell me an answer except drew blood from me which wont be back until monday. I have shaking as well as, a slight weakness, and nautiousness. I haven't had a panic attack today and I am no longer sure if this is anxiety. She kinda said maybe thyroid, but didn't really say.

I am terrified now after going to her and not getting a sure answer.

07-09-12, 10:24
At least they are doing something to find out if it anything else, try not to worry (I know that's not easy!) you will soon have the results of the tests. With anxiety they do other tests to rule out anything else. :hugs: