View Full Version : Cholesterol

06-09-12, 14:55
So, I am a little overweight and have been for about 3-4 years. I weigh 160 right now, down from a one time high of about 187. I am a female and 5'4". My comfortable weight is right around 135 but my healthy weight range goes up to about 145, so just about 15 pounds to lose. Anyway, I had my cholesterol checked a year ago, when I was closer to 180 and it was in the "high" range. It wasn't crazy high so my doctor told me to try to lose some weight and we will check it again. So, I ignored it for a while but finally lost about 20 pounds and got it rechecked and it is now in the "borderline high range". Doctor again said to just keep losing weight and exercising but keep an eye on it because both my mom & dad had heart disease. Well, I am worried about it. I am 27 years old and I *think* this takes time to cause problems but I am scared. It wasn't in the "high" range this last time, just "borderline high" but I am scared to death to take cholesterol meds due to the side effects. I have to go back in a few months for a recheck. I know I can lose the rest of the weight if I really try and I think that would take care of the problem.

Does anyone know how long it takes cholesterol to cause blockages? I am just afraid the damage has already been done. I was pretty thin most of my life until the last 4 years or so so I don't think I have had this problem for too terribly long. Part of it could be genetic but seeing as how I did lower it by losing weight, I think I can get it under control. Just need some reassurance on this, please.

06-09-12, 15:05
I'm no dr, but I don't think you've clogged your arteries. Not after 4 years. Even people with naturally high cholesterol who eat badly and get NO exercise take 40-50 YEARS before they have problems.

Change your diet, eat more fiber, eat more fish and start exercising.

06-09-12, 19:11
If you keep up the cholesteral checks, that will help.
I did not know I had high cholesterol untill I was in my 50s which resulted in
blocked arteries and had by- pas surgery.
Everyone is different. .
A man who lives near by me had same op as me, and he had low cholesterol.
I have been taking cholesteral tablets for 12 years.
I do walking. I used to go a the gym but it closed.
excercise is good. I have never been overweight.
My mum had heart disease, and out of 6 children she had --I was the only one
who had it too.
I consider myself very lucky to be ok now. Just have to look after yourself Beth.
Take care

06-09-12, 20:39
funny enough i had my cholestrol checked other day free in local supermarket
pharmacy and according to them mine is high its 6.5 so i have to see gp now im 39 ..mad thing is i dont eat loads crap strange.????

06-09-12, 20:55
Mine 2 years ago was 6, taken along with FBC,s. No problem with that count GP said , its dietary .i.e. watch the dairy, red meat, cheese..I told him I dont eat any of those. I was then told that women of a certain age can have a slight increase in cholesterol. Other family members all showed cholesterol of around 6.

06-09-12, 21:41
I was discussing my slightly elevated cholesteral level with my consultant during a spell in hospital last year and he said that quite a lot of the information the government have circulated with regards to cholesterol levels and poor diet is simply untrue.

He explained that the major cause of a raised cholesterol level was hereditory, passed down from your parents and that altering your diet has little if any effect at all on your cholesterol levels except if you eat porridge or pulses which has been proven to make a slight difference. He also said that there is no scientific research that actually proves that high cholesterol levels increase your risk of getting heart disease and in his opinion everybody currently taking statins should seek another opinion as the risks of taking statins far outweighs the benefits.

I have to say I later did some research for myself and spoke to the Sister at my GP practice and I can certainly see why more and more people are refusing to take statins. The sister agreed with my consultant and said that it was ridiculous that the government contunuously alter the 'safe' cholesterol level as it makes people panic. She also explained that everybody's cholesterol level IS and SHOULD BE different, and as long as your own level doesn't significantly raise or lower then that is fine. Cholesterol is needed in your body to function and heal, it isn't the killer people are led to believe. The sister said she had never had her cholesterol checked and she was in her 50's.

Do a bit of research and have a look at the studies that have been done, it's quite fascinating.

06-09-12, 22:32
Hi Zingything,
Just like to say, cholesterol tablets do have side effects muscle pain is one.
I have been taking them a long time as i said in my last post, but i have had a break from them from time to time over the years.
We used to go to the local pub and made friends with a couple.
We got talking about health issues,and she said her cholesterol was 10.?? and her GP had given her simvistatin, but she was not taking them.
We lost touch as our local pub closed down.
2 years on. I saw the woman walk into the doctors waiting room about 2 months ago. I walked over to ask how she was because she looked dreadful.
I have just come out of hospital -she said--- i have had a heart attack.
I rest my case.
Oh, I saw another woman in the village a couple of weeks ago,we were chatting we
did not mention cholesterol. She told me she had had a heart attack,
She was adopted so she did not know her own parents medical history,
something else to think about.
Take carex

07-09-12, 10:27
Hi Magic
I think my consultant was trying to point out that studies on cholerterol levels and heart disease have shown that people with a raised level and people on statins have a similar risk of getting the disease. Some research uses data from the number of people diagnosed with the disease and whether they are taking statins and whether their cholesterol level is high/normal/low.
I'm sorry to hear about your friend, but she may still have had a heart attack if she had taken statins, people do, as heart attacks have many many causes, and there will be no evidence to suggest that cholesterol levels will have caused her attack.
Have a look at the medical research on this, it has certainly got me doubting.

07-09-12, 16:21
Hi Zingy,
Thank you for information. I think anxiety and panic has something to do with high blood pressure that could lead to heart problems.
I started with high blood pressure and was given medication, then angina crept in.
That was scary.
I don't take blood pressure tablets now (touch wood) asprin though--low dose.
but I am going to continue with the statins low dosage.
I am a bit, well a lot really panicy most days. Any thing can start it off.
I was given antidepressants several times,but they did not work for me.
I am not depressed you see.
Ah well. As long as I wake up in the mornings-- Life goes on x
By the way my sister had a heart attack about 3 months ago-- all they given her is asprin
she is 81

07-09-12, 16:28
Hi Magic
I'm sorry to hear about your sister. How is she now? x

07-09-12, 16:32
I had a blood test a couple of weeks ago and was called in to see the nurse about my results. They said my Cholesterol is high, it was around the 7 mark.

I had no idea why as i was extreme physically fit and active up untill about a month ago and my diet is pretty good and im also only 24, so this puzzled me.

i asked of it could be the Citalopram causing it, they said no. So i dont know why it was high and it has got me a little worried considering i have health anxiety anyway.

08-09-12, 08:49
Thank you for asking about my sister. She is doing well, she is at home after having a spell in a care home. she has carers coming in to the house now.
I am just off to see her as it is her birthday tomorrow.
May I ask if you have health issues concernig heart disease?
Take carex

08-09-12, 12:05
Magic, no I don't have any heart issues, however my cholesterol was slightly raised which led to conversations with my consultant and the sister at my GP's practice about government recommended levels and statins. I found it interesting.
I hope you have a good day with your sister :hugs:

08-09-12, 13:04
Oh I see, I remember my Gp sayng something about that, something about costs,
I cannot remember the exact way she put it,but she put me on a higher dose of C tabs. I think it was because of operations and the cost of doing the op again.
Anyway, I could not tolerate the higher doseage after a few months, hair loss and more muscle pain, so she argreed to put me back on the lower dose.
I did not stop long at sisters. Her house is so clostrophobic (cannot spell). did her a couple of jobs then I left. One of her daghters was coming to take her out.
I had shopping to do.Long walk,Hubby out of action, so I am in a bit of a fix.
Thank you for caringxx