View Full Version : Blip?

06-09-12, 15:10
I started to feel really bad with anxiety/depression a few weeks ago as I started to get regular palpitations which I think brought this on. I started on 15 mg Mirtazapine 2.5 weeks ago as my doc thought that it would help with sleeping and eating which were both suffering. It knocked me out the first day I took it and slept well and my apetite was enormous. I seemed to be doing fine since until yesterday and today. I noticed the last couple of nights that I would wake in the night then fall asleep which seems like many times in the night then today I woke up and the anxiety seems to have taken hold again and my appetite has gone completely. I notice that when I'm at my worst the appetite goes completely and I get the tense throat feeling, aching muslces and racing heart rate. I'm hoping its a blip and perhaps I just need to endure these feelings. I'm hoping for some words of comfort. I was supposed to be working from home next week but I'm ot sure how I'll do if I feeling like this.

06-09-12, 15:16
2.5 weeks is still early days, blips are all part of our recovery...my god ive had tons and each time ive panicked thinking im going backwards, my appetite always goes too just try and relax and eat little and often, hope you feel better soon xx

07-09-12, 10:23
Thanks for the kind words. Someone summed up how I feel when anxiety is at its worst and its this 'hangover' feeling but without the headache. I just don't have any appetite and the thought of food just turns me off. I try to force myself to eat but its not easy. When I started the Mirtazapine it was great as I has a ferocious appetite so I don't understand why all of a sudden it has gone. Anxiety just won't leave me alone and let me be happy.