View Full Version : Sharp pain in lower throat. Scared.

Anxiety Jim
06-09-12, 16:03

On Saturday I got a sudden sharp pain in my lower throat, near the centre of my collar bone, just a bit higher. It lasted about 30 seconds, and hen disappeared completely.

I thought nothing more of it, but then every day since, I've been getting it more and more often, and it's been happening for longer and longer periods of time. Up to 30 minutes at a time.

And since Monday I have had a constant ache in that part of my throat, and slightly to the right hand side.

Also for about 2 months now, I've been having very yellow, (quite often loose) stools, as well as a sharp pain in one specific area of my stomach, just below my ribs.

I'm really scared it's stomach/bowel/throat cancer, I had a blood test not long ago that showed I've got low calcium, low vitamin D, and my plasma viscosity is above normal too.

Has anyone got any advice, or reassurance, or anything really?

My GP didn't really know what it was and gave me some peptac liquid in case it's acid reflux.

06-09-12, 16:30
I have similar symptoms (sore throat and upset tummy) - it is a nasty virus. See your GP again for reassurance about changes in your bowel habits. It is most likely due to something as simple as a change of diet or stress.

Anxiety Jim
06-09-12, 18:52

Thanks for the message, it doesn't feel sore it's just a constant stabbing pain in my lower throat, and slightly down below my collar bone, and slightly above.

It's also a lot worse when I take a deep breath, as if the whole of the top of my chest is having hundreds of needles stabbed into it, and he pain in my neck is a lot worse when I breathe in too.

---------- Post added at 18:52 ---------- Previous post was at 17:29 ----------

I've now just realised that it might be a pulmonary embolism, I had what I thought was a DVT a few weeks ago, but the blood test came back negative (only 95% accuracy), the hospital were getting ready to inject me with heparin (anticoagulant), because they thought it was a DVT before the blood tests came back.

My left calf has been swollen ever since, and it's only just dawned on me that this could be a PE, all the symptoms fit.

And now it's sending me into a panic :-(

Just read that 3 in 10 people with an untreated PE will die. :-(

06-09-12, 20:03
Is the pain outside or inside?
A swollen lymph node and tight muscles, TMJ can cause sharp pains outside.
Does it feel like the pain always follows the same path?

Wisdom teeth due to being close to a big nerve can cause all kinds or random neck pains too.

Anxiety Jim
06-09-12, 20:11
I have just been for a 10 minute walk, and now the pain is really bad, feels like im having a heart attack.

Im so scared i dont know what to do.

---------- Post added at 20:11 ---------- Previous post was at 20:06 ----------

Hi anxious gal, our posts crossed.

The pain is always there, but feels very sharp when i take a big breath in.

The pain seems to be over the very top of my chest on both sides, the centre of my lower throat and up the right side of my throat.

29-07-15, 10:45
I hope that pain subsided for you Jim, I know this is an old post but recently ive had similar.. I have had it before few years ago for a while too.. Mine is like a sudden sharp, electric type feel which is where yours was. It lasts a few seconds in which its sharp and throbs from below collar bone up right side neck..I was told it was a nerve..

08-10-17, 19:52
I’ve been having this pain on and off today I’m so scared and sat still on the sofa it’s like a stabbing stitch pain above collar bone but below Adam’s apple and sometimes makes me coaugh did you find out what it was ?