View Full Version : Tight Throat, Throat Symptoms, G* feeling

06-09-12, 16:27
I am really struggling with a type of anxiety attack that struck me 2 months ago. I have had anxiety my whole life but when my anxiety attacks feel like this it feels as if I'd rather die. I don't remember if I've ever felt like this before I may have done and just forgotten about it until my anxiety became worse again but it feels as if I haven't felt this bad with anxiety before.

For 2 weeks although I've experienced anxiety on a daily basis I managed to avoid this feeling but yesterday it came back with a vengeance when I became anxious and I just can't deal with it.

Okay so the symptoms I am experiencing is what I describe as a tightening around my lower throat, a throat nausea feeling and a g* feeling (gaggy GAH do not like saying that word-Emetophobic!!) but yeah anyway.. it's paralysing I'd rather die than be sick so it's really difficult for me, does anyone else get this, anyways of dealing with it? Oh I am so afraid right now. I had an appointment with my support care worker (she comes to my home as I fear leaving) and the fear gah so intense, throat feelings, scared in case it makes me ill, sweating, rosey red cheeks still feel quite mind spaced out from it :-(

It's so awful, praying it won't make me ill this feeling and I have tried so much to stop this feeling but the more I concentrate on it, the worse it gets and even when I am not trying to stop it I am still somehow thinking about it GRRR anyone have any tips or know how I feel.. PLEASE REPLY I am so frightened, hopefully I'll be fine.

06-09-12, 16:32
It is a horrible, scary feeling and I was so anxious with it the last few weeks, I told my husband I would rather die than be like this but the last few days I have felt fine again and much more positive again. You just have to tell yourself that it will get better, as hard as it may seem right now. :hugs:

06-09-12, 16:37
Thank you for your reply. Yes it's the same for me I'd rather die than feel like this. :-(

I hope I'll be okay, have you had the feeling really bad and it never made you ill? That's my biggest fear. I hope it won't make me ill. It's so hard to cope with, just so awful. xx

06-09-12, 17:47
I have had it very bad and felt very nauseous. I also had a really bad panic attack where paramedics checked me and said my heart rate was 140. The symptoms feel awful but they cannot cause an illness and you cannot die from an anxiety or panic attack. The worse think for me is that the nausea makes me not want to eat so I have to try to eat little amounts more often. :hugs:

06-09-12, 17:58
i been experiancing like throat spasms tightness lower neck throat area and i gotta say that feeling freaks me out keeps coming and going ..my nerves feel terrible my stomach is so in bits like im on super edge :-( :blush: like super nervous as hell ...dazza..

06-09-12, 18:15
Thank you for your replies :-) I'm so sorry that you both experience the feeling too. It's awful isn't it! I hope it will not make me ill. Thank you. xxxx

06-09-12, 22:14
hiya dreams, i too get lower throat tightenings, and when i get them (which is every day at some point ) i have queezey type feeling in my throat at the same time, kinda hard to explain isnt it lol, i mostly get these feelings as the day wears on, but ive had this for 5 months now, its a very cruel thing to have isnt it, i suck mint imperials and it helps me quite alot

17-09-12, 14:24
I am sorry to hear you experience this also, its very scary and hard to experience. I am hoping it won't make me ill. I am addicted to chewing gum but that is a habit I need to break I go through a packet within hours. xx

17-09-12, 22:26
hi do you get a lot of saliva in your mouth at the same time as the throat tightenings and have to keep swallowing,like you are going to be sick, as this happens to me most nights, mainly when im in bed, it even wakes me up from sleeping sometimes :((