View Full Version : Looking for advice re anxiety/depression and assessment

06-09-12, 19:30
Tomorrow I have a telephone appointment with the local NHS Wellbeing team and I'm hoping I'll be referred for CBT.
Before the appointment I have to fill in the GAD7 and PHQ9 forms (like the ones on this link (http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CCMQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fiapt.nmhdu.org.uk%2Fsilo%2Ffiles% 2Fphq9-and-gad7.doc&ei=DulIUIDwFKSV0QWV0oEg&usg=AFQjCNFGem-vkvAs0Lfiqwkg6lQl2Njrbg&sig2=NJCuOTwaYBnveyGDd43-Ug) if you're not sure what I mean) and read out the scores on the phone so they can determine how severe my anxiety and depression is. I had to fill in the same forms when I first went to the doctor's a month ago, and I think I've improved a lot since I've been on citalopram.

My anxiety score has dropped from 17 a month ago to 6 now, and my depression score has dropped from 12 to just 3. :D

Even though I've improved, I still want to learn to control my thoughts better, so that one day I'll be able to feel happy and relaxed without needing medication. So I think I should mention during the appointment how bad I felt before I started the citalopram. Do you think that's the best thing for me to say? Obviously I'm concerned that if I only read out my current scores, they might think I'm feeling too well to need CBT!

I'm a bit nervous about the appointment especially as I get anxious when talking to people I don't know on the phone, but I can do it when I really have to (even though I hate it!). I hope I'll get the result I want as I've had anxiety episodes on and off for many years and I think that CBT would really help me manage my thoughts.

06-09-12, 21:49
Hi there
I had cbt over the phone and to be honest by time it came to doing it i was already much better than when i had contacted them 3-4 months before but i was still having alot of bad days.
I think they expect improvements on meds but cbt will hopefully give you the skills to help yourself therefore i think you will be fine as you are still suffering to a degree.
Good luck