View Full Version : University - Mega stress!

Natalie x
06-09-12, 23:23
Hi everyone. I've just tecently started University part time and one my first tasks is to create a report. The report is due in on thursday however have only just started and am freaking out. I keep thinkong I'm not doing the work correctly and am going to fail and feel like I'm no capable of doing this. I don't want to and won't drop out but I am getting myself I'm such a tizzy over it all. Has anyone experienced similar and can offer some words ofwisdom? Thanks! x

06-09-12, 23:32
Many people experience anxiety about their performance at University - I know I did, and I've done three Uni courses now! My best advice to you is what I tried to drill into my husband during his course over the last three years: don't put yourself under unnecessary additional pressure by leaving things until the last minute. The panic of trying to produce an assignment at short notice is far worse than the worry of under-achieving, and giving yourself plenty of time to research, plan and write your assignment will prove your worries about under-achieving to be unfounded, I'm sure.

However, as you have already said you've left this one a bit late, my advice is to break the work down into chunks so you don't feel overwhelmed, and give yourself a reward when you finish a chunk. For example, do the introduction then have a break and watch TV for 30-60 mins, then go back to it. Your mind will focus better if you're not trying to think of everything in one go. Also, keep a pad & pen by you so that you can jot ideas/extra things you need to do down when you think of them. That way they are not clouding your mind by you trying to remember them, but they are easily retrievable.

Finally, make sure you don't forget to eat and drink - a hungry mind is a sluggish mind :)

Good luck!

p.s. a lot of Universities don't even take first year ("settling in") grades into account for your final degree result, so you WON'T fail because of this "blip" while you're still getting used to the way things/you work :)

08-09-12, 02:12
Just a tip - I have found that if you really feel lost or as though you are doing something wrong, feel free to reach out to your professor. Most professors are more than happy to help and are glad to see students willing to ask for it.

Also agree with the above post about breaking work up into parts. It helps me get through it!

08-09-12, 05:35
Hi Natalie,

Don't get stressed out about it! Most students feel just like you at some time.

Go over the assignment guidelines carefully - these should outline clearly what is expected of you in terms of researching the topic, what sections to include in the report, how many words to write, and so on.

As suggested above, break the work into doable parts, and allocate what time you have left to each part. It's not one big impossible task, just a few small possible ones.

If it seems clear that you will not be able to complete the report on time, contact your professor, lecturer or tutor in advance to ask for an extension of time. Explain your situation honestly. Don't wait till after the due date.

In Australia (where I come from), academic staff don't usually give general advice/training in skills like report writing - that is done by a separate academic skills/learning support unit within the university. I think the situation is similar in the UK. If possible, contact these people for help. They should be available for individual appointments. Tell your lecturer that you have made/are going to make an appointment for assistance.

Finally, there are many kinds of reports according the the subject studied, so take as much information as possible along with you (including first drafts of your work) if you have an appointment with an advisor.

Basically, everyone wants you to succeed, so don't be afraid to ask for help. Good luck!

Natalie x
09-09-12, 00:45
Hello everyone :) Thank you all for your replies and words of wisdom. I have created a plan of action on what I will do over the next few days and broken the work down so it doesn't feel as daunting to me. I have also seeked some advice from a colleague who has done the same course as myself so am hoping this will help.

I think in general I am just very worried as I have never written a uni report before - it has only been college and there is a big contrast with these. I can only do my best and hope for the best and that I manage to finish in time.

Thank you all again for your support. I will have to take a chill pill!

Natalie x

09-09-12, 08:34
Good luck Natalie, I'm sure you'll do well as you are obviously very keen & committed to doing so :)

Natalie x
09-09-12, 12:05
Thank you Elle-Kay. I feel as though I have left it to the last minute as I had other coursework to do and I work full time so as you can imagine it is a bit stressful. I'm hopinh yo take a day off during the week to help me complete it. When I think of doing it I make myself feel sick. I just really want to do well in this but again it comes down to the contrast between college and uni. Hopefully I will do well. Thanks again for your support x

09-09-12, 17:12
Hi hun, take a deep breath!! You are perfectly capable =) Try asking for some support at UNI if you find doing assignments difficult. Or just do a little bit at a time. It's only sunday - you have 4 days to do it. So tomorrow say "right i will work on it for and hour today" and get an hours work done, then on tuesday say "i am going to get to at least the halfway point, and on wednesday try and finish it. In future if you feel that the load is too much let your tutor know xx

10-09-12, 21:08
Hi Nataliex, one technique I found helpful to me is something called the "pomodoro technique" - basically you work for a set period of time, then take a break etc. I find it useful to help my concentration. I used it today in uni to help me get through a task! There's an online version at mytomatoes.com :) Maybe that's a resource you can use.

Also as others mentioned - don't be afraid to ask for support at university. I don't know what university you're at so I can't pin-point my advice - but universities typically offer a range of services that are helpful. I have previously visited my uni's study support tutors to help me manage my time, as well as support for assignments etc. Universities also have (usually free) counselling services, with counsellors who are used to dealing with the typical problems students face. GP surgeries in locale to universities are also pretty adapted to the needs of students - this includes understanding their mental health too :)

Hope this is helpful to you :)

15-09-12, 12:08
Hi Natalie,

How did you go? Did you get the assignment in on time?

Your reply may help others in a similar situation to yourself.
