View Full Version : Why does my heart rate go up when I rise from bed in the morning?

07-09-12, 00:00
I just noticed this. For the past 6 months, there are days when my heart rate goes up when I get out of bed in the morning only.

The bed is a double decker and I stay on the upper bed. What usually happens is that I "jump" out of bed all the way to the floor and then it starts! My heart rate goes up fast but it goes back to normal in less that 20 seconds.

This doesn't happen always and I just noticed this a bit recently. Sometimes when my cousin (who sleeps on the lower bed) isn't around, I use his bed to sleep and when I get out of bed im the morning, this usually doesn't happen.

I don't feel dizzy, fatigued, or anything else. Just the rapid heart beat that lasts for like 15 to 20 seconds when I get out of bed in the morning.

My heart rate is usually normal when I go about my daily activities, no noticeable palps.

I'm scared. Wha could this he :( anyone else had this? :weep:

07-09-12, 00:23
How do you know it goes up? How are you monitoring it?

I would think it would be normal for it to rise in the morning when you get up anyway.

07-09-12, 00:24
An active heart rate should be faster than a resting one.

07-09-12, 02:29
Hi nomorepanic and elle,

I can feel it faster because it's almost pounding through my chest. It only lasts for a few seconds though. Like 10 seconds then it goes down...

Still scared out of my wits. :weep: