View Full Version : Ringing in the ears

07-09-12, 08:13
Ive suffered with tinitus in the past and I've had bad ringing in my ears during a panic attack in the past, from what I can remember.

Last night I did feel very anxious lying on my bed, I was over breathing slightly, tense face and jaw. I stood up and suddenly had loud ringing in my ears, which went to a hiss then faded. I thought nothing of it but then it happened again when I went to the bathroom. I panicked and felt dizzy from the panic. It again went within a couple of minutes.

It hasn't happened since but I'm anxious about it happening again, I dwell on things worrying why they happened. Last night I wouldn't accept anxiety could cause it and had visions of me in hospital. My husband reassured me it was anxiety. My Bp was fine so it wasn't Bp related, I checked it myself.

Can anyone reassure me that tinitus can happen like that due to anxiety?
I really don't want to dwell on it today, I'm on my own all day too:/

My nan passed 2 months ago, I've been in a bad place ever since. I've not slept for the last 3 nights, my sleep is very broken and I bolt up alot:/ I'm going to bereavement counselling, I hope it will help.

07-09-12, 18:05
Hi Savannah,

I'm so sorry you feel rubbish and its understandable after losing a loved one. I also find I get my worst bouts of anxiety after a worrying or stressful time.
I get tinnitus sometimes for no reason at all, other times its a side effect of medication I've been on. Either way at no point has it ever killed me or been caused by a serious illness.

Our bodies do lots of weird and wonderful things... this is just one of them.


07-09-12, 18:09
My anxiety has been worse the past few weeks and I have had like a throbbing noise in my ears. I had them checked and the nurse said they are fine. When my anxiety calms down, i can't hear it so I am sure it is connected to the anxiety.

07-09-12, 18:49
Hello Annie

I also experience the ringing in my ears it has come about since having a virus. At my last GP visit I mentioned it and he informed me it could be related to stress which I do agree with. I am monitoring it at present and when I am calm it does subside.


07-09-12, 19:18
its tinitus i get a a very loud ringin in my ears that gradualy fades and goes it only lasts afew seconds and other times for days on end il have a low rumblin sound in my ears that wont budge xx

07-09-12, 20:24
Ive had ringing in my ears for 3 months now constantly. Some days its not to loud, others its very noticeable and goes loud and quiet. Ive seen a ENT specialist and he said theres nothing wrong with my inner ear, and its linked to stress/anxiety.

Since you have been having a rough couple of months i would say it could be due to that. Hope you feel better soon.