View Full Version : Sinuses!

07-09-12, 09:18
For the past few days my nose has felt funny and I've had a shooting pain in my right nostril. My right eye feels full and today I've woke up with so much pressure above/around and below my eyes and cheeks, my teeth feel tingly(??), my nose feels swollen (it's not) and my nose is runny but gets very bunged up at night! My head feels unbelievably heavy and I feel a bit lightheaded. Could this possibly be a problem with my sinuses? Rational me thinks yes but the other me...... :doh: - you know what it's like guys!!! xx

07-09-12, 09:49
Well i kinda have similar symptoms my nose is really aggitates n runny...my eyes are heavy n my head feels strange...could this also b sinusis?

07-09-12, 09:55
ive got sinutitis at the mo its dreadful. go the chemist and buy beconase spray use it twice a day also elavate your head when sleeping by using loads of pillows, try sudafed sinus tabs inhale steam with olbas oil in. take pain killers every 4 hours and u will soon be well again this is what ive done and i feel a little better. also buy a air purfier from amazon and put it in your bedroom and an hour before bed switch it on takes all the dust out of the room. hope ur better soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

07-09-12, 10:00
Spuder do my symptoms sound like sinuses? x

07-09-12, 10:08
no sounds like hay fever as u dont get a runny nose with sinuses but am no doctor dizzydoll try my suggestions ive posted and get your self sum hayfever tabs dizzy i take clarityn or u could try the supermarkets own brand but it wont work as good. hope u feel better soon dizzy take care xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

07-09-12, 13:59
sounds just like my sinus problems to me. I have allergies and get lots of sinus congestion. I get the shooting pains in my nostril or next ot it, in my cheek, tingling teeth, full feeling, etc. It's all sinus related. The cause could be allergies or a cold. Don't always need a runny nose necessarily, but it can happen too.

Saline nasal spray or irrigation works wonders for clogged sinuses. Neti pot as well.

07-09-12, 15:43
I have those symptoms too :( it sucks I've never had sinus problems before .
If it doesn't get better or you get a fever you might need some antibiotics.
Change your pillow covers, cause of dust n stuff it's not good for your nose.
My sinuses keep draining down my throat m there's sooo much pressure in the area too.
You can get sudafed type stuff in a nose spray it's good to clear out your nose if it's blocked.