View Full Version : What the hell do i do?

07-09-12, 12:07

I have had anxiety and have been pulling my hair out off and on for the last 5 or so years.

In that time I have got married and had a beautiful baby.

Now I am starting to worry about money, when I say worry I obsess about it. Every 5 minutes I am opening a calculator on my phone to work out if we as a family we have enough money, I am checking income every 2 or 3 minutes to see if I will be making enough.

I obsess over it, I get stomach cramps, cant sleep and tear my hair out worrying about it.

When I am doing family / social things I can't focus, I still worry about everything and get stomach aches. When I am bathing my child I am constantly checking my phone to make sure everything is ok, if I don't I will literally near enough have a breakdown.

I have been taking multiple kalm tablets, taurine, st johns wort to try and take my mind off it but nothing seems to help.

I have been to the doctor who has refered me to a place called IAPT a couple of weeks ago which I think is telephone support. The thing is there might be a long waiting list but I really can't wait that long.

I need to be able to focus, I need the stomach cramps to stop.

Does anybody have any advice?

07-09-12, 13:19

I'm really sorry you have been having such a hard time over the last 5 years. I think IAPT is a counselling service via the NHS but you are right there can be waiting lists but they should be able to advise you of this. In my county you are able to self refer to this service, i don't know if you can find out if you can call them to see what is happening with your referral?

I too suffer from anxiety and tend to get stomach problems with it (nausea mainly). I find that a guided meditation can help calm me, i use a CD but think you can get these online too. Peppermint tea can also help calm my stomach when it is really bad.

The other thing i use is Bach's rescue remedy to help calm me when i am panicking too.

I think that some things help some people and not others though, and i've certainly found that it is very much a trial and error thing to find the things that suit me (and i'm still learning too!)

It could also be worth going back to your doctor and speaking to them about your referral and how you are feeling in case there is anything other support they can offer you.

Hope you feel better soon.


07-09-12, 13:25
Thanks very much. I did call IAPT earlier and have a phone assessment at the end of next week which seems a lifetime away.

I constantly have a stomach ache, have done for a while which feels like it would if I was nervous about something like performing in a big show which is there from the minute I wake up, until I go to sleep.

I have been to my doctor 3 times in all in the last few years and I am in with them for literally a minute each time as they just seem to want to get rid of me as quick as they can.

I tried calling a helpline called no panic for a bit of advice, but I don't think it is live any more :(

07-09-12, 13:40
That's good, i know it seems like a lifetime away but it will go quickly. I'm starting with a new counsellor next Friday so it seems like the day for new beginnings!

Doctors can be funny like that, is there someone you trust, maybe your partner, who could go with you to see a doctor and help you stress that you need to talk to them about how you are feeling? When i'm particularly struggling i take my husband along who helps me make the point/s i want to make.

07-09-12, 14:01
Thanks very much.

I am not sure, I don't really talk to my partner much about it as I don't think they really understand how I feel. Sometimes I feel like I physically can't move but it looks to them like I am being lazy which is what they think :(

It is hard to try and get the feeling to go away, I don't drink much but sometimes I think if I was to get totally hammered it would stop and I would just sleep and be numb.

08-09-12, 18:32
Next time you see the doctor, maybe ask him/her if they can prescribe you with anti-depressants such as fluoxetine i.e. (prozac). It helps treat depression, anxiety disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder. It will take some time for it to work but once it does, it can make your life much better. I'm not 100% sure if what you have is an obsessive-compulsive disorder but you could check with your doctor.

I also find that those natural remedies such as kalms tablets etc were no good to me.

01-10-12, 09:08
I have been to see a therapist and had the first session on Thursday and if I am totally honest it did nothing for me.

It didn't help me think "no, I am not going to do this". She simply told me to put thoughts to the back of my head and try not to do them etc. I know that it is an ongoing process but surely if it was that easy I would have just done it myself rather than a lady who doesn't know me telling me not to do it?