View Full Version : Hello, new here.

07-09-12, 14:33
Hi everyone.
I've spent many a long hour reading this forum for a few years now, having suffering from severe panic and anxiety attacks for most of my life. I'm 49 this year. The panics have got worse sicne all of this Atos assement thing has come about when I wait my "Trial" as I call it, I know they will stop my incapacity benefit. But, my panics have increased volumes due to my Arachnophobia becoming worse. For 3 nights running I have had some MONSTER Things in my room. I have Thing catcher to despatch them out the window, but it's getting to them quick enough to do so. If I lose the run of one, that is it for me, tears, panics, shakes, heart beat up, cannot sleep in room, but then if I sit up all night Thing might emerge and I can despatch it. I AM TERRIFIED of Things and do not know what to do to stop this phobia, if indeed phobias can ever be stopped, cured??? I'm at my wits end, and as it is Thing season, I know I'll get more. Has anyone any idea of how to cope with this? Thankyou.

07-09-12, 14:45
Hi joryhs6

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

09-09-12, 15:51
Hello joryhs6...

I'm Dani from Palestine and I'm happy to join this interesting forum

10-09-12, 09:21
Hi Dani, how are you?

10-09-12, 09:24
Hi, i've just recently joined and it has been so helpful to know there are others feeling the same way or have had similar experiences so i hope this helps you too.

i too am deeply afraid of the 'things', i had some CBT counselling before which was really helpful for phobia, maybe this could help?

10-09-12, 12:30
Hi Paranoid Tree.
I've booked an appointmet with my doc to see if I can be refered for some kind of help. I can't sit all evening bolt upright with my "Thing" catcher in hand, on the look out incase a Thing appears. It's making my panics and anxiety twice as bad. Thanks for the link to your blog, I'll have a good read of that. It's great to know we "anxiety ridden" people are not alone!

10-09-12, 19:35
Oh bless you, i think you are really brave, i can't even use one of those catchers. the other day i had to pick my husband up when he was working to come home and deal with one!

I hope you get on well with the doctor and that you feel better soon.


10-09-12, 22:38
I have such an empathy with you. I've read your blog. I too was abused. When I was 13, by a teacher at school. Panics and anxiety ever since. Why do these people do this, to ruin other peoples lives? I will write to you tomorrow on your website, it's lovely the way you write, it's me to a tee. I've had a new telly today. I can't work it for love nor money! Must sit and read instructions. Lots of love to you. I'm Daisy by the way. xxxxxx

10-09-12, 22:48
Thanks, i normally write as i'm in the middle of experiencing something, it normally helps calm me down, or figure something out!

I don't know why people do it, i was about 8/9 when it happened and am only just discovering how it has affected me. Please do feel free to write to me, either PM me on here or via my website. I think it helps to speak with others in a similar position.

New telly sounds good, they do make them more and more complicated these days! Hope you figure it out soon (not that there is much on a Monday night)

Oh and i'm Louise :)

10-09-12, 23:02
My new housemate leaves every window open and there have been things everywhere. Luckily I have no phobia..as I would be a nervous wreck. There are however...ways for you to overcome this. The winter will be with us soon. I really do feel terrible for you. I hate things and they make me shudder.

11-09-12, 19:39
Hi LoopyLu.
It's the breeding season for Things. I am taking my Thing Catcher in every room I go in. Bathroom, bedroom, living room, kitchen, it may as well be stitched onto me. Every evening brings on the terrors. I never have windows open anymore. Just have to rely on fans when it's warm. Bring on Winter, eh! x

11-09-12, 20:13
yes, i'm looking forward to winter too! Mind you the temperature outside certainly makes it feel that it is on the way, i tend to live in sandals/flip flops and after being out this evening to drop my husband off somewhere had to put the heater on in the car! Cold toes!