View Full Version : In USA, Major PAs, even in new home

29-07-06, 17:44
Hi to all my new found friends.

Finally arrived after 30 hours in transit (please dont ask, our airline caused us to stay in Paris. So I have travelled from where I live to Southampton, Southampton to Paris, 24 hours in Paris in a small hotel room, Paris to Cinncinati and Cinncinati to Orlando.

Managed to get through with quite a few drinks, not a good coping mechanism, hate the feeling of being unreal, conversation all jumbled, too many people. The house is nice but I still feel unreal and irritable, even with my young child. Now I am dreading going home again and we are three weeks away.

Why I do I feel the negatives all the time? That is despite my husband telling me I am doing well. Perhaps it is the depression coupled with acute anxiety.

I am so protective of my son and the last flight did not help where we were all seperated. The air stewardess then pointed out I was on a exit and what responsibility that entailed and said she was in a crash. that was it, I organised that my husband and son sit together and my sister and brother-in-law sat with me.

I hate this feeling and dont know how long it will last. My husband does not understand the way I feel or how forgetful I am of conversation (that includes the forum as well). How long will this take to get better, I feel I have such overriding responsibility despite hubby telling me dont worry. He was so looking forward to this holiday and know I am going to spoil it for all of them.

It is so early days for me. Take care of yourselves and each other.


29-07-06, 18:00
hi fran try to relax!!! sounds like the journey from hell even for someone without anxiety you did well just to get there!!! just sit back and let the world take a few spins get a good nights sleep and im sure you will feel better soon have a nice holiday and keep us posted luv kaz x

29-07-06, 19:16
Welcome to the USA Fran, Glad you made it. Seems like you went through guite an ordeal to get here. It seems like any major trip can cause some anxiety in most people, more in us that suffer from elevated anxiety problems. Most people without these problems can't understand what we feel. But you are not alone here with us. We understand and will try to help you.Try to get some rest now. And I hope you will soon be having fun and injoying your vacation. i am not to far away from you now. I live in Texas. Have fun and hope you enjoy the beach.

29-07-06, 20:50
Hiya Twila and Kaz

Thanks for your fast replies.

I am still suffering major PA's being here, not feeling the world is real and wishing I was back home (safe haven).

We are off out for a meal tonight (which involves major PA's, social and personal) yet I guess I have to do it. What else could I do?

I will not less my husband and child (or in-laws) suffer because of me. If I do there is more guilt, which builds the PA's.

Keep well, take care of yourselves and each other.


31-07-06, 02:37
Hiya to all

I have slept most of the day and feel so very low and depressed.

Guilt about my sister/brother-in-law, husband having to go food shopping and then cooking meals. Feel inadequate, imcompetent. PA building as I have slept and everyone else going to bed. What am I supposed to do with no concentration?

All adults feel I am far more able but no one is able to "look inside my head". I wish I could take it off, sleep brings me dreams that include things I am worrying about during wake times. Sleeping is not restful!!

It is 9.30pm now in USA and have lost what day it is etc which causes heightened anxiety then PA's.

Take care of yourself and each other.


kris 1
31-07-06, 11:56
hi fran,
i know only to well what you are going thru,i have suffered terribly with the unreal feeling for about 3-4 months after losing a close friend,it is called derealism/depersonalisation i feel like i am in a continual dream and it really does freak me out but the longer you have
it the more you learn to accept it,but this happens very slowly!I know how hard it is but it does help to keep yourself busy and try.try.try to keep your mind occupied and not dwell on how weird your feeling,
hope you feel better soon,im sure you will find heaps of help and support on nmp feel free to message me anytime


01-08-06, 09:46
hi chris

It is 4.30am in the USA and I am thinking of all the flights home!.

This unreal feeling causes me more PA's than I know. I continually worry about everything.

I said to my husband I guess I will have to get used to this feeling. Seaworld, Orlando was hell, queues, not being able to sit, restless, "get me out of here feelings". I want to run but where to? It is a long way to the UK and I dont want to spoil in-laws, hubby and ten year old holiday.

Hopefully, these new antidepressants will start working but no relief yet. I see no joy in my life and concentration span is still of a newt. I feel inadequate, stupid and useless. Pretty sure GP should have reduced the others before putting me on new ones and my brain is screaming.

My young child is driving me literally crazy wanting to go on the rides.

I will start a new post and keep everyone up to date, I need NMP more than I need hubby etc at this moment because I know you all have or are going through this.

Take good care of yourself and each other.
