View Full Version : new guy.

07-09-12, 16:13
been reading some of the posts on this site and most of them are me. started off worrying about small things, muscle pain etc but as i told myself that they were nothing they got worse and i developed/noticed more aches and pains. i dont think it helps with the fact i've not left hospital this year properly. in jan i had heart surgery for a condition i have, it was suppost to work but didnt. 2 weeks after that i was hit my a taxi on my motor bike and broke my leg so i was in a full leg cast for 5 months. had the second set of heart surgery (fingers crossed it worked this time) but no such luck. the doctor told me the operation was a success and i will not have any problems from then on. unfortunatly the surgery did not work both times after being told that i wouldnt get any more palpatations. i think that a lot of my health anxiety comes from this... being "let down" by health professionals twice after being reasured. so from then on i got it into my head that i would be my own doctor and google things that i had (WORST IDEA EVER!)and now every day i convince myself that i have nuerous forms of cancer or leukemia. obviously worrying about these things caused headaches, loss of sleep and on occations mild panic attacks.
only problem is that i have a genuine fear of going to the doctors with these symptoms and my fears becoming reality. i am only 18 and it is highly unlikley that i have a brain tumour, throat, lung, testicular, bowel and thyroid cancer. i allways tell myself that because i have not been to the doctors then it could have spread to all these other places. i'm in no severe pain, nothing worth taking pain killers for anyway...
i just wish that i could worry about what every other 18 year old does, missing x factor, who's dating who, nights out, getting a job. and not worrying myself sick about dieing... any help or even people going through similar things sharing their story would be a help to me right now...

07-09-12, 16:22
Hi Lewis, you've come to the right place. You'll find lots of support here :)

07-09-12, 16:23
Hi lwsabr07

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

09-09-12, 15:50
Hello Lewis!

Happy to meet you :)

09-09-12, 17:54
You have had a lot of very bad luck with your health Lewis, it is easy to understand why you are suffering from anxiety. I do hope that being a member of this forum will give you a little release from your worries.


09-09-12, 20:05
Wow what a hard time you have had. You say why cant you have the normal teenage worries but what normal teenager has been through what you have. Try and take on board what a hard time you have had medically and accept that it would make anyone worry and fear for their life rather than beat yourself up about the fact you want to be care free :) The good thing is you are here and you are recovering you have just had some nasty experiences that have rocked your confidence in your self and your well being x