View Full Version : I could do with some encouragement tonight

07-09-12, 17:12
Hi, I've been coping pretty well on 5 mg Cipralex for a month or so. I'm having a bit of a setback after losing two front teeth and being fitted with a partial denture (only temporary hopefully as I begin the long process of saving up for an implant!). Following the extraction I felt quite rough and by the next day I was in tears most of the day. I kept thinking about my dad (who died six years ago) and my mum (who is frail and elderly and is now in a nursing home) and how much I miss them. (I'm 56 and the mother of two teenagers by the way!) :weep:I was also crying over the breakdown of my marriage and my fears for the future. It's as if one loss brings back the memories of all the others, if that makes sense. Today I feel panic very near the surface, with the old fears that I won't be able to cope, I will end up alone and homeless, and so on. My GP has referred me for CBT and after the initial assessment they think I will benefit from a telephone course, so I really hope that will help me to get my thoughts on a more healthy track, but I could just do with some encouragement tonight as I am feeling very vulnerable.

07-09-12, 17:19
Really sorry to hear you are feeling so down at the moment. I think when we are not feeling well physically, like with your problem with your teeth it always seems to set anxiety off again. I have fractured my foot and worrying about that has also brought loads of other past emotions back. The CBT will be a great help to you and help you to think more positive about your future. Remember there is always light at the end of a tunnel. Sending you hugs :hugs::hugs: