View Full Version : Could do with some friendly words

07-09-12, 18:13
Today has not been a good day. Yesterday I went to the Doctors with an ache on my left side above my waist I also explained I have had it about four weeks and when I eat it feels like its stuck in my throat (I am not eating much). She looked at me and said she is sure its muscle pain. I did tell her when I eat the ache feels worse. I came out thinking She thinks I am mad. She is my G.P that I usually see. Today I have stuggled with my symptoms convinced myself I have stomach cancer The ache is further round the front to the lefthand side under my bust. I am overweight and convinced I am going to end up with the big C. I have been going to slimming world for four months and have only lost six pounds. I do really well for a couple of weeks and then have a blow out. I just cant stick to a diet even though I really want to loose weight. Ihave now convinced myself I had my chances and now I have blown it. Sorry for long post but its been a hard day.

07-09-12, 18:55
Your GP will know the symptoms of cancer so I am sure its not that and probably a muscle pain.
I am sorry to read that you are upset. REMEMBER its never too late to turn yourself around. and remember that you are losing the pounds. its just going to take time. next time you feel you need to have a blow out. remember how your going to feel and that craving will past.
I too always thing I have some sort of cancer or stroke syptom and I feel the same when I come from my doctor. and wether the docs like it or not. we are anxieous and we panic, so they have to put up with it. Its not our fault we feel like the way we do.
Next time you feel the pain. lie down and take breaths.
If you still in doubt. you can always get a second opinion.

Hope this helps.

07-09-12, 18:57
Hi Cassie,

Sorry you don't feel well. I'm sure you know this, but stomach cancer is quite rare in the UK, much more common in Asia. Last year though I had the exact same fear though and it was horrible... not eating much, the whole lump in throat thing, nausea. I felt so ill I went to the GP who gave me some meds for the nausea.

24 hours later I wound up in hospital with a rare reaction (seizure) to the medication. I had all sorts of panic attacks etc after this and soon forgot about the stomach C. I'd actually managed to make myself more ill by worrying about it. :shrug:

I often get a pain under my left boob.. I think its a muscle thing but I ony notice it on that side because I think uh oh Im having a heart attack! :shrug:

You're on your dr's radar with it now so if it gets worse you'll be referred promptly. most people with symptoms aren't as bothered as us HA worriers so leave it much later to see a dr.

Regarding your weightloss for me personally diets don't work. Permanent lifestyle changes including exercise do. Also, more protein an less sugar (including bread) is better for weightloss than cutting out fat IMO.

Hope what I've written helps in some tiny way. I know how horrible it can be worrying about being ill.. you will feel better though.. jut give it time.


07-09-12, 19:11
Thank you both for your kind words and reassurance. I have calmed down a little. I have a wonderful husband who tells me to calm down and take one thing at a time. Thats always easier said than done. As you all know when you are in that frame of mind its very hard to come out of it. I wish i had a switch to turn off this anxiety, I dont enjoy things like I used to and I have turned into a very negative thinking person. I am hoping with time this will change. Again thanks for your kind words. Cassie x x :hugs::hugs: