View Full Version : My Brother

29-07-06, 17:50
My brother has anxiety disorder which makes him scared to go anywhere besides home. I feel bad because he's missing out on so much but he's so afraid to go in stores and places. The people, the lights, the way things are arranged on shelves...it all frightens him. When we do finally get him in somewhere, he begans screaming and crying. It's quite embarrassing but what hurts the most is to see my brother's life waste away like this. He also has spina bifida so he's always been in a wheelchair. I don't know if this has anything to do with it or not? I just don't know what to do. I want to enjoy life with my brother outside of the house as well as inside. I don't know what to do to convince him to get out though. He's become so accustomed to sitting in front of a computer, television, or book. I wish he could see past these things to how beautiful life is.

01-08-06, 13:52
Hi Boafan,

I don't have an anxeity disorder but I know how hard it can be sometimes.

I'm sure your brother is greatful to have you in his life and that is beautiful to him.

Try doing little things with him until he is more comfortable, like going outside to a quiet place for a short period maybe some where he likes.

There are many people on this site that can give you plenty of advice.