View Full Version : Anxiety feelings..help!

07-09-12, 21:44
Hi all, Im feeling so bad right now. Just got back from driving my sister to her work. I felt anxious the whole way driving and the way back, driving alone and its dark outside, just feels horrible. I could feel the adrenaline building up in my body, my heart pounding, feel like im losing control, i get sweaty, knot in my stomach, shaky, lightheaded, and feel like im not rly here kinda, unreal feeling.

My anxiety is always later on in the day, everytime, i never feel too anxious in the morning or when going to bed... But from like 5pm, when it starts getting dark out etc to 10pm i feel soo anxious. I get adrenaline rushes were my heart starts pounding, i feel dizzy, sweating, hot flushes..like my head is on fire, feel like im not here, sweaty hands, rush of adrenaline tru my body. I dont understand why in the morning i feel completly fine and when im in bed at night im fine but during the day - and around dinner time, i feel horrible and weird

When im lying in bed i feel normal again. I hav had this soo many times before

please help me!

---------- Post added at 20:44 ---------- Previous post was at 18:54 ----------

need some reassurance

07-09-12, 23:13
trying doing crosswords or sudoku that what i have started doing and after 10 mins i feel pretty much back to normal


08-09-12, 19:05
Thanks i do that it does help a bit

Now too.. i feel ok during the day now its around dinner time i get a knot in my stomach, like sick to stomach feeling, feel spacey and dizzy, little nauseous, just overal a nervous feeling

More replies please? thnx