View Full Version : Has fluoxetine made anyone lose weight?

07-09-12, 22:37
Hi I have just been prescribed fluoxetine again. When i was on it 3 years ago, it made me lose about a stone in weight. I am already underweight as it is so am a bit scared to take it again as i don't want to look as
skeleton-ish as i did last time. I told the doctor about it and she said to take it and if i notice a big change in my weight then go back and see her

Just wondering if anyone else lost a lot of weight after they took fluoxetine..

07-09-12, 22:53
I lost a stone in 3 weeks, mainly because the fluoxetine didnt agree with me, and i couldnt eat and would be sick most days.

If the fluoxetine agrees with you, you maybe fine :)

07-09-12, 23:29
dont say you lose weight on them allthe girls will be at there doctors first thing lol
god bless

08-09-12, 07:59
Hi, think this is one possible side effect as I was given prozac for bulimia/obsessive exercise disorder. I think it stops you obsessing about things including food? I often forget to eat and I have taken prozac for years. It kind of stops me thinking/obsessing about it which in my case is good! But if you think you are losing too much weight I'd speak to your GP or if you think the prozac is helping keep a food diary. I keep a diary so I can check I am eating properly.

Good luck.

08-09-12, 12:11
I lost about a stone the first time round, mainly due to feeling sick and not very hungry but it was only temporary. This time round it hasn't happened. You may be ok, I think monitor it like your doctor says and see how it goes. Good luck :D

08-09-12, 17:59
I lost a bit of weight on prozac the third time around...incidentally this time round I had a load of terrible side effects which are still persisting to this day. The previous 2 times I was on it, side effects were minimal!

I used to be a 34 inch waist, now I'm 30 inches (was 10 years ago I was this thin!)...though I have cut down somewhat on the beer so thats probably contributed to it as well.