View Full Version : will my panic return?

29-07-06, 20:30
I'm running out of valium and not feeling great about it. Will the panic come back once I stop the valium?


29-07-06, 21:43
Are you being weaned off it slowly and not just going cold turkey?


29-07-06, 22:46
hi ren
I was on valium years ago, when i decided to come off it i had to do it gradually, when id got down to 2.5 mgm i just couldnt stop so my doctor gave me an alternative,which really didnt help me and i did get terrible symptoms for a couple of weeks, but looking back im glad i chose to do that,so if i was you id do it gradually, i wouldnt just stop taking them but then again thats my opinion others have probably stopped and had no adverse reaction from doing that, ask youre doctor to help you in stopping,
All the best

01-08-06, 19:50
I've only been on it two weeks, so I'm hoping I'm not addicted to it. I cut down from 5mgs 3x a day to 5 mgs 2x a day and then down to 1 at night, no huge ill effects. Tonight is the first night I wont be taking one. I'm so scared that the panic will return and I'll feel awful again. I just need someone to tell me that it wont happen because otherwise I might make it happen with this panicking!



01-08-06, 20:48
Hi Ren,

I've been going thro exactly the same thing, except I''ve been on oxzepam for 2 weeks. I was on 4 x 10mg and finally got down to just 1 x 10mg a day. I found that one harder to stop so I just broke in in half and just had 5mg in the morning. For the last few days I've been taking 2.5mg (try breaking a pill that small into 4 lol) in the morning and today I forgot to take it!!! The world didnt cave in, the sky didnt fall. It was lunchtime before I remembered that I hadn't taken it. In my case it's always the fear of running out rather than the actual act of stopping that makes me panic.

Try to find something to take your mind off of it, there are some great relaxation techniques you could try, read a book, listen to music.

Keeping my fingers crossed that you have a peaceful evening

Clare x

01-08-06, 21:15

No-one can guarantee the panic won't come back. It depends what other life-style changes you have made to help overcome the panic/anxiety.

Have you been taking extra supplements, eating well etc?

Hopefully you will be fine but you have to see how it goes I am afraid to say.


03-08-06, 16:33
I think it's coming back. Damn it!