View Full Version : CANDIDA-

08-09-12, 09:00
speaking to a friend yesterday and she said she knew someone who had likewise symptoms to mine and she had candida- (yeast overgrowth-causes thrush) just out of interest i googled and i found out quite a bit on it.... it can cause brain fog,feelings of unreality,pressures in head etc.
Other common symptoms which are much more specific to Candida include severe Pre-Menstrual Symptoms, depression, pain behind the breast bone, intolerance to strong odours, dandruff, athlete’s foot, visual disturbances, oral or genital thrush, an itchy anus and a feeling of bloating or flatulence.

it might seem a coincidence but i was at doctors a few months ago as i had a persistent itchy bottom for about 6-7 weeks AND i suffer flatulence a lot :blush:

has anyone had/have this?

08-09-12, 12:53
I have always suspected that this is a cause of my IBS (candida can also colonise in the bowel). I eat an yeast free diet and you can buy capsules in health food stores to fight candida - caprylic acid I think?

08-09-12, 17:24
I have dealt with candida for about 10 years. What works absolute best for me is Femdopholis (strong probiotic for females). And cutting back on sugar and yeast. It can be controlled. Just takes diligence!

08-09-12, 20:22
oh, iv never heard off femdopholos before, is it in uk ? what symptoms did u have hun ?

10-09-12, 20:15
I was told months ago I had Candida but didn't manage to stick to the diet, can this ever be cured? I also have a low level yeast allergy which I can only imagine built up due to the candida not being addressed but I get so down about it, I can never stick at the diet and find it hard to. It brings me down the thought of never being able to eat yeast again due to my allergy. xx

10-09-12, 22:58
How do you get rid of Candida?