View Full Version : Anxiety in men

08-09-12, 09:59
Iv been told by my doctor i have health anxiety it all started with a bad tooth and having it removed and the symptoms made me feel like i had a brain tumour so i went to the doctor and spoke to him but he said headach and dizzyness was not typical syptom. He put me on pain killers for the headache. 2 days later i was in hospital with chest pains worked out i had a reaction to the pain killers but between this and the tooth causing pain this is were it all started. I had to go on 6 causes of antibiotics in 6 weeks for my tooth well it was removed iv now got stomach pains and contipation with flat stools also testical ache so i went to the docs yesterday he said the stress of anxiety plus all the antibiotics would cause stomach problems and checked my stomach and testicals and said they feel fine. Im at my wits end with these feelings am sick of being scared of cancer and dying and just want my life back and i love my wife to bits and know she is finding it hard to cope with me at moment but she does keep telling me im ok.
IV had 3 full blood tests, Chest xray, Mouth xray, EGC, body examinations about 6 times and seen 9 doctors. I start councelling on the 18th of this month and doc gave me some anti dipressants but iv not taken them as im scared what they will do as beta blockers made me worse.
head pressure, lightheaded, feeling sick, stomach acid reflux, abdominal pain all over like cram, constipaton, flat stools, weak legs and arms, stiff back, neck and head muscles, testical ache, jolts bit like an electic shock all over, no concertration, feel sleepy and get angry easy, cough,
Iv thought iv had
Lung cancer, Brain tumour, ms, colon cancer, stomach cancer, testical cancer, kidney infection, a virus attacking my brain and body that will kill me. All this has only started 7 weeks ago before this i was feeling great lived life to the full and now a wreck i dont know what to do any more i just know i cant cope with this can any one suggest anything iv also got very lazy and cant be bothered going to work or doing exercise. DOES ANY ONE HAVE THESE FEELINGS AND SYMPTOMS:unsure:

08-09-12, 15:03
Hi mpm1982
I have had this for the last 6 months. Like you, used to live life to the full, always out hiking or running or something, have a great job etc. but this last few months have been terrible. Started with palpitations, got referred to a cardiologist and all ECGs, echo etc all show nothing! Yet still it persists and still I think theyve missed something! All typical if health anxiety. But you are in the right place. The guys on this forum are a tremendous help and it helps you remember that we ain't alone in this. The feelings do pass and it's reassuring that all your tests are normal, but it's difficult to accept when you suffer anxiety isn't it. One thing that has really helped me is relaxation apps on my phone. It will get better mate.

Harrison Chase
08-09-12, 15:42
I have been exactly the same over the past couple of months and had nearly all the same symptoms you have listed.
I think I now have to accept they are anxiety and work with that.
I have just had to return to work after the six weeks holiday ( I work in education ) and straight away , because I have been moping on the settee all the time , my back is really hurting now that I am working again.

I am trying to stay positive, to stay at work and trying to believe what the doctors are telling me. I want my old life back and to be able to enjoy my interests again.

Anxiety is horrible. I never knew it could cause so many physical symptoms. Let's hope we are all over this soon.