View Full Version : Positives about Anxiety..??

08-09-12, 10:09
So anxiety has pretty much had a bad effect on every part of my life. But lately I've been trying to adopt a more positive attitude and focus on what I will learn and get out of this experience. So here are my positives, if anyone else would like to join in and give their positives, please do:

1. I haven't bothered to put make-up on in 2 months and my skin looks great (no spots for the first time in years :D)

2. My boyf has biploar disorder. Now I have had experienced mental health issues I feel I have a greater insight into his disorder and will be a better, more supportive girlf in future.

3. When I recover I will be proud of myself for having the strength to get through this.

4. When I recover I will appreciate the little things in life I used to take for granted.

5. It has helped me look at my life in a new light and see the things which bring me down.

08-09-12, 10:52
Hi there,

I agree, in nearly all respects anxiety is horrendous and can ruin people's lives. I too try and see some positives which are all around what we've had to deal with and how that's made us stronger people who are generally very sensitive to the feelings of others.

Although I'd love to know what it's like not to suffer from anxiety, I know it's made me who I am and I'm not sure if I'd want to be a different person.


08-09-12, 12:45
Great post! :yesyes:

08-09-12, 15:14
Can pretty much agree to all of the above.

I am starting to slowly learn how to be kind to myself :)

MM x

08-09-12, 15:22
This is a really good post. :D
For me, my anxiety episode has given me a chance to re-evaluate my life and concentrate more on things which make me happy, and less on things which stress me out. For example, I used to spend a lot of time in the evenings and weekends studying things to help with my job. As I already work full-time in the day, I now realise I was pushing myself too hard by studying in my spare time as well. I'm going to be given training during working hours so there is no need for me to study at home. Because I was so obsessed with studying and learning new things, I used to feel guilty about doing fun stuff, such as chatting on forums and playing games. I often used to feel like I couldn't relax properly. Recently I've learnt to chill out more, and I feel happier in myself. I don't put myself under so much pressure any more. I also spend more time with my friends and family.

08-09-12, 16:56
i like this post :yesyes:
i think suffering from this makes us VERY special people and we are VERY strong because we live each day fighting against this awful anx/panic ...and what we achieve is great.
i agree when we recover (or start to recover) we get a great sense of achivement with little things that everyone else takes for granted.
i also agree that i would like to know what its like to live without anx but then again it has made me who i am today :)

08-09-12, 17:01
What an amazing post!

We who suffer from anxiety have GREAT imagination! We should all be authors! :)
We are very observant. (Hmm, maybe we should be detectives instead!)

Anxiety have made me appreciate my good days even more. I know myself very well.
Anxiety makes me do breathing exercises and thatīs healthy right?
Anxiety has made me realize how strong I really am.
Anxiety has made me reevaluate my life and circumstances and I will change it to the better, thank you anxiety!

08-09-12, 18:41
I'm so glad other people can see that there is some good that can come out of it, even if it's hard to believe it at times. I used to get really angry that I was defined by anxiety but I've had to accept that it's a part of me - so might as well make the best of it.

Onwards and upwards (I hope!)


08-09-12, 20:11
i love this post!

It can be so hard to see the positive in feeling so negative all the time but i guess mine reflect what you guys have already said.

this year alone it has made me realise how strong i actually am, i even left a job that was really unhealthy for me and is now giving me an opportunity to really discover who i am - rather than just being 'anxious'

08-09-12, 22:53
Fantastic thread and great posts.
So many heartfelt, positive and inspiring comments - I agree and relate to so many of them.
Like you've all said anxiety can be positive, sometimes it happens for a reason and it gives us an opportunity to evaluate and make changes in our lives.
Well done everyone x

09-09-12, 14:06
I agree that you can find positives within the struggle that is living with anxiety at times.

I realised who I could count on when I needed help
I realised just how much I loved my husband and what a fantastic guy he is
I learnt that it is the strongest people who suffer the most sometimes and we should never think of ourselves as weak

09-09-12, 20:56
1) I have realised that sometimes it's better to open up to others, instead of putting on a brave face and plastering on a smile. It has led to me developing much closer relationships with friends and family. For the first time I feel that I am being honest with them about who I really am...and they still seem to love me. Wish I had discovered that 15 years ago!
2) How amazing it feels when you overcome individual anxieties. I had been too afraid to go to the hairdressers for about 6 months in case I had a panic attack. Boy did that first haircut feel good! I'll never take the small things for granted again.


10-09-12, 21:53
It's really inspiring reading about all the good things people can get out of this. Had a day where I've struggled to see anything positive - I have a meeting in London next week which is freaking me out already. Have to get up at the crack of dawn, travel for 3 hours, deal with London rush hour, then go over my research with my super clever prof. I just got so angry that something that used to be easy and routine is now soo difficult.

Reading everyone's replies has made me feel a little better (still going to have a panic attack on the tube though :))

10-09-12, 21:55
Brrr, even the thought of London and/or the tube gives me a panic attack!! (and I've never even been on the tube, lol)

11-09-12, 10:37
I know! All of my worst nightmares put together. Public transport, loads of people, socialising and using my heavily medicated brain. :scared15::)

11-09-12, 11:21
hi there, positives about anxiety yes i can agree with that as it has made me do things that i would put off before like starting a new career, meeting new people and travelling. before the anxiety issue started in 96 i would generally put things off. after i developed the panic/anxiety cycle i would not let it stop me from doing stuff, that was after the initial stay in hospital followed by a year on the sofa. not saying that are not dark days with the compulsory round of "why me" but those i usually far and few between. i normally just gt up and get with it. i tried meds which in the psychosis stage were needed but i then found they just took the edge of off enjoying life, highs were numbed. so came off so panic, anxiety and me enjoy a roller coaster of a time together.
