View Full Version : Urgh more vision worries!

08-09-12, 13:49
Okay so around 10 months ago I had a lot of problems with my vision that were anxiety related such as more floaters, flashing lights, coloured blobs etc.
I got over that after many visits to the opticians and just chose to accept there was nothing wrong, I still have a couple of the symptoms but I think after 10 months I think I'd know if it was something serious and even asked about the flashes of light 2 months ago and my optician said its only a problem if it gets worse or it happens during the day constantly.
But a couple of days ago I saw what I can only describe as little starbursts of light. They last for around 2 secs then they're gone. I had it on Wednesday after a stressful day as it was my first day at college and I had a job interview too so I just forgot about it.
However this morning I was in the bathroom and I noticed it AGAIN and now I'm really worried.
I've rang up my opticians and he could only fit me in for next Thursday :( I was really hoping to get it sorted tomorrow as it really isn't a good time for my HA to be flaring up again as I really want to do well in college and not get distracted.
I'm so scared I'm going to go blind as with the career I'm going in to I really need my vision (I'm studying Make-Up and Hair) :( I think I'm going to go insane by next Thursday, I'm convinced I've got a retinal detachment or a retinal tear.
I have seriously strained my neck recently too so I don't know if that can cause visual disturbances or not.
Please help I'm really scared!

08-09-12, 15:32
Worth checking with GP for Cluster Migraines or similar, usually brought on by stress.

I suffered with them a few months ago, did the same with optitions - went to see him in a complete panic I was going blind.

Luckily mine have eased but still have vision issues, the more I think about it the worse my eyes become, if that makes sense x

09-09-12, 21:04
Thank you, I have a docs appointment on tuesday anyway in regards to a sinus infection so will discuss the possibility of migraines with him too.
I'm still so worried I'm going to lose my vision :(
Yesterday though something weird happened, I was on the computer and I felt something in my eye and freaked out as I googled a while ago (yes stupid I know!) about some girl going blind and she had the same sensation - I'd actually felt it for a few days but yesterday was so bad, and what came out of my eye? Half a contact lens! It wasn't the contact I had in as I checked, so its been there for a good few days, it must have ripped when I was taking it out one night and didn't realize. I wonder if thats what's been causing my strange symptoms hmm. I'll mention it to my optician on Thursday :blush: Honestly I'm surprised I didn't realize sooner it was a contact lens

10-09-12, 17:16
Hiya, I hope your appointments go well this week. Google can be a nightmare, especially if you suffer heath anxiety (one of my issues).

Once you have been checked over hoping you will feel better x

12-09-12, 20:05
Got my appointment tomorrow very nervous, scared my eye doctor will turn around and say theres a problem with my retina or something :( So scared, I keep trying to reassure myself I've had the majority of the symptoms for nearly a year now and been to the opticians so many times since it happened in December and been told everythings fine but I'm still so scared :(

12-09-12, 20:13
I understand you completely. But I'm sure there's nothing wrong with your eyes.
I had flashes in the dark 2 years ago, my eye doctor explained it is the blood vases tightening because of nervous tension. Then they disappear.

Let us know!

16-09-12, 00:37
Just thought I'd update :)
Got my eyes checked and they are 100% healthy, had my eyes dilated to check the back of my eye and everything was fine. Then I got a retina photograph took and everything was healthy. Since then the little sparkles have gone! Guess it WAS just anxiety again urgh.

16-09-12, 09:28
Yeah! That's great. Glad I can say "I told you so". :)
Anxiety plays ALL kinds of tricks on the eyes, it's unbelievable.

16-09-12, 09:45
I get something like this and it really freaks me out. I can only discribe it as though someone has flashed a camera in my eye. Its really small (pinhead or smaller) and only ever in one eye at a time and never in the same area. It is more noticable when I look at the sky or something white or bright and last seconds then slowly disappears. I have had it for at least 2-3 years and sometimes get it once a day then other times can go a week before getting it again. The only thing I can liken it to is the flashing zigzags (but on a much smaller scale & the zigzags were always in both eyes at the same time) I experienced with aura migraines which I only got when pregnant. I have an appointment with the opticians next week.

16-09-12, 13:38
Ruby, is it Scheerer's? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_field_entoptic_phenomenon
It's actually a normal phenomenon, though it can get more intense. For example I'm noticing it much more these last months.

16-09-12, 16:09
Thanks for update Miniholly :) Good to hear you are OK.

Had aura migraine when the panic attacks started back in June but luckily they have stopped - they were unbelievably frightening :weep:

I still get vision issues and this is probably the main thing that can trigger a PA, sometimes I can reason myself out of them but last few days with increased meds not so lucky :(