View Full Version : Constant dwelling on things?

08-09-12, 14:54
This is something I have a hard time with dwelling on past event or running over things in my head, things I should of done and didn't do etc etc.

As an example I am having a hard time with an issue at work at the moment, this supervisor started on my late yesterday evening and its just ruined my weekend running over and over it and what I should of said but didn't etc, Pointless being off work as the weekends ruined, I wouldn't care if this happened just once, but its a regular occurance.

Does anyone else do this?

08-09-12, 15:11
Yep, this is why I am in the state I am in :( Hoping that now I have started meds and therapy, I can work towards controlling this better. It is going to be very hard work to break the habits.

Good luck with your journey.