View Full Version : HELP! Im really scared I won't make it until Tuesday!!

08-09-12, 15:28
Well it all started exactly a week ago it stung when I went for a wee and I panicked so on Sunday I did a watersample got all my results back and everything was negative so I thought oh I must be okay but it still hurt and stuff when I went for a wee but then it went off but I went the doctors on wednesday and she looked down below he said it just looks inflamed and sore and theirs nothing to worry about but then it started to sting again when I went the toilet...and now to present day I bought some cystitis relief sache's to see if it was that it's over a period of 48 hours ive had my first one at 11:45 and im going to have my second at 4 but the thing is it hurts on my pubic bone now and it's really really scaring me! I also have one kidney which worries me even more! And the only time I can go the doctors is Tuesday because on Monday im at college till 5 and it doesn't open on weekends im soooooo scared that im going end up in hospital and die! I just don't know what to do! :weep:

08-09-12, 15:34
Drink plenty of water to flush out your system and cranberry juice if you have any/can get any. I don't think it will be anything to worry too much about, but if you do feel that you need to be seen by a doctor before Tuesday then your doctors should have an out of hours service - just phone the usual number and the message should tell you how to get in touch with the out of hours service.
Hope you feel better soon x

08-09-12, 17:59
I agree with the above - I was advised to drink 3 pints of water an hour for I think 3 hours when I had cystitis, to flush my system right through.

08-09-12, 20:51
do you not have a walk in centre or you can call nhs direct they will info over the phone it might help until you get to docs take care

08-09-12, 22:35
Thanks for the help everyone! I went to the hospital because it got all too much for me..and I was in a right state..they took a watersample everything was negative and they think it is something to do with my bowl..ive got to go to my doctors so they can investigate more..but I do have constipation problems..im going to ask if it's IBS because ive been reading about it on here and I think it may be that..

10-09-12, 20:13
I know how you feel. I have OCD and fear drinking tap water, when I ran out of bottled water I'd literally not drink a thing and when I eventually became so thirsty I'd drink a cup or two as quickly as poss. This was a year ago maybe a bit less now and I have been experiencing stinging ever since, if I don't drink enough I get stinging. Maybe you're not drinking enough? Also do you use shower gels and such? That can irritate it too. xx