View Full Version : Burnout and anxiety

08-09-12, 16:49
Hi everyone,

I have recently been diagnosed with burnout. This "burnout" gives me headaches, I am extremely tired, light and sound sensitive, pain in the neck and joints. All of that is somewhat manageable for me, or better put: I can accept them.
It also have given me anxiety and OCD. I have been through this all once before, seven years ago when our family was put through an extreme ordeal and now it is back.

Some parts of the day I feel almost "normal", I´m happy and feel confident that I will make it back real fast! And other parts I just feel hopeless. The anxiety just makes me feel like I´m going to loose my mind, I´m afraid I will become crazy and hurt someone! (I know, stupid.) But it´s killing me. I´m a happy person! I can´t understand why I feel this way! It´s saddening.
I have only been diagnosed with this for three weeks so it´s kind of new. I have just started therapy, but no meds. I´d rather not if I can avoid it due to many reasons.

Has anyone been in this situation? When will it get better? Is the damage permanent or will I be back to my normal self again? As I mentioned I had this seven years ago and I managed to get back, still with some anxiety but very, very manageable. It didn´t affect my everyday life. It´s breaking my heart to be back in this situation, and my husbands too. So I try and stay positive and push myself when I´m with him, and get my rest when I´m alone.

I will very much appreciate any answer because I´m kind of lonely in this..

08-09-12, 18:13
Hey Isabella b,
You know from past experience that you can get back to 'normal' with a manageable amount of anxiety.
To recover from where you are now, you need to be honest with your husband about how much the anxiety is effecting your daily life. You need to be yourself 100% of the time. If you are feeling positive say so, but also if you are feeling hopeless you need to be able to express those emotions too.
Don't be hard on yourself, you did not choose to be in this situation!:D