View Full Version : Hi All

08-09-12, 19:03
Hi, just thought I'd leave a quick message on here to introduce myself. I've had problems with GAD and panic attacks on and off for several years, but my GAD had resurfaced again about 12 months ago now. I didn't go to my GP initially, because in the past it had gone away of its own accord after a few weeks, but this time it didn't. Eventually I went to see my GP and was referred to a Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner for CBT-based treatment. I found the treatment to be a huge help, and it seemed like things were getting back to normal again. However, this week I had one of the worst panic attacks I've ever had. It's really shaken me up, and to be honest I feel like I'm right back at square one again. I'm due to see my therapist this week for the first time in almost a month, so hopefully he'll be able to help as much as he was the first time round. It'd be great to hear from others on here about their own experiences, as for me the biggest help comes from realising that I'm not alone and that others know what I'm talking about.

08-09-12, 19:17
Hi Redstarblackpool

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

09-09-12, 13:07
Hi and Welcome.Sorry to hear your anxiety has been bad of late.I hope you start to feel a little better as soon as you see your therapist again.

09-09-12, 17:40
Thanks for that, Chris. Although it's a setback, some of the knowledge I've gained from my therapy helps me cope with it a lot better, ie. the knowledge that I'm not alone in feeling like this, that I'm not going to develop any serious mental condition or suffer physical harm because of my anxiety.