29-07-06, 21:13
Hi there, just thought i'd drop a line and ask for a little support for my head going mad again. These feelings really screw me up, i don't even know who i am, let alone anyone else. I first had these feelings when i was put on seroxat, and had to come off them. I don't take any med's anymore as i've been told i'm too sensitive to them, they don't help me, just make me worse. But i was doing so well, then Friday afternoon i was walking around minding my own business and wham, all of a sudden i didn't know who i was, where i was, what i was doing and didn't even know why i existed. It really frightens me when these feelings come and they still haven't gone. I had them for the rest of yesterday and still have got them now, but not as severe as they were. I think they are the worst symptoms of the anxiety problems, and feel like perhaps i should have a good cry. But too scared to do that too. These feelings make me want to smash my head in a wall to try to make them go away. But it is just these feelings, no panic, well, obviously until after i feel like that because it scares me, but no anxiety to start or anything, just these horrid feelings on their own. When will it all end? Angiebaby. x

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

29-07-06, 22:29
Hi Angie

I also get those wierd thoughts in my head, like im going to scream my head off and ive got to much in there to cope with, when this happens i do a relaxation tape or even sit there and cry, i find this does help me, i find this only happens to me when i put to much pressure on my self, so i do try not to over load my humble brain:D anyway hope you start to feel better soon
Take Care